Days of united action "Extremism is not: to justify Andrew Kutuzov" February 3-6

Arbitrariness on the part of government officials, the center of the "E", the FSB is increasing every year. In the midst of the trial of Tyumen teacher and member of the "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, who was accused of producing and distributing "extremist leaflets inciting hatred of a particular social group" militia. " In fact, it's harassment for criticizing the state and capitalism. Today tried it, tomorrow may start prosecution of any of us! We call for a day of united action across the country in defense of civil society activists were persecuted for "extremist" articles! These days will be held February 3-6, 2011.

Adoption of the 2002 law "On Countering Extremist Activities" and the introduction of amendments to the Criminal Code allowed to introduce penalties for "public calls to extremist activity."The notion of "extremism" is given as a vague interpretation, so that they can be both terrorist acts and murder, hate, and any criticism of government officials.A striking example of the absurdity of the concept of "extremism" is the recognition of the slogan "Freedom is not given - the freedom to take", which was used Novorossiysk defenders at the picket, an extremist.

Due to such uncertainties in the law in recent times "extremist" articles of the Criminal Code (280, 282) are increasingly used to punish "hate speech" or "incitement to violence" in relation to various government agencies: the police, the FSB, the executive branch and m . etc.By the bright things on today for "extremist" articles are the processes of the Tyumen teacher and anarchist Andrey Kutuzov and activists from Ulan-Ude H adezhdy Nizovkinoy and Tatiana Stetsury.

Andrey Kutuzov tried under article 280 for incitement to hatred against a social group "Militia": he allegedly distributed a leaflet at the rally against the center of the "E" and anti-extremist legislation, despite the fact that the leaflet appears to be generally faked. Activists from Ulan-Ude was convicted on under article 282 of "inciting hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity."In 2008 and 2009, they distributed in the central streets of Ulan-Ude, leaflets, text of which contain negative evaluation and analysis of the actions of Russian military, police and security services.

Most often in such cases, people are condemned for actions allegedly aimed at inciting hatred on grounds of belonging to a particular social group. It is important to remember that the social group - is much more vague concept than a group of religion or nationality (of the same articles of the Criminal Code).Specialists, sociologists are not unanimous about what constitutes a social group, and what does not. This uncertainty used by Russian "anti-extremist" agencies that advertise "incitement to social hatred" of any protest against the authorities. Comes to what social group declared "power" as such (journalist Irek Murtazin for texts that are published in the blog, published newspaper and book them on the head of Tatarstan, was sentenced to 1 year and 9 months' imprisonment), which is already completely blocked any possibility of criticism.

Thus, Russian law enforcement agencies the concept of "social group" is used to justify repression against civil society activists and opposition movements.But when such statements allow representatives of the Russian Federation (for example, calls for the vice-governor of the Vologda region, "the opposition to wind the track), then any" extremism "is not considered.This means that legally protected social groups we have considered only the state authorities. As befits a class state, laws on extremism are used to protect the power structures of discontent and criticism of society, as centers of "E" perform the functions of political police.

We demand to withdraw from all government agencies and organizations specially protected status, and stop to consider their social group. We demand the deletion of Article 282 of the Criminal Code and the FZ-114 "On Countering Extremist Activities" concept "social group" as vague and too dependent on subjective inclinations of an expert.Natural consequence of these corrections in legislation should be a complete cessation of cases Nizovkinoy, Stetsury and Kutuzov on rehabilitative grounds.

However, it should be understood that these articles - just a convenient tool for political persecution. To pacify the unfit "extremists" are using other methods: they throw drugs, weapons, was sentenced to detention in psychiatric hospitals.Thus, the ultimate goal of our struggle must be the cessation of political persecution in any form or by any means.

No prosecutions for mysleprestupleniya! Yes - freedom of conscience and expression!

Join the days of united action on 3-6 February. Arrange in their town meetings, pickets and other events. Fight for your freedom and ours!

Details about the case of the Andesher Kutuzov

Details about the case and Nizovkinoy Stetsury


"Movement against Violence

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