In Helsinki Thursday 22th of January: Is Syriza just a lame light-Keynesian ripoff?

The imminent rise of Syriza in power, and the way he presents himself in Europe has created a number of misunderstandings about its “radical” political nature. SYRIZA presents itself as the solution to the problems of the capitalist crisis in Europe. It presents itself as a solution to the problems of capitalism but within capitalism, and thus causes excitement in various left-wing political parties of similar positions throughout Europe. SYRIZA is presented as a solution and restore the Keynesian state, which globally but mainly at European level seems to disappear. The question that is being raised is whether it can do so, and if not, why. Those who don't believe in SYRIZA, raise a series of questions with which the traditional left has stopped years now dealing with. Some of them are: Is the state (a form of state) a solution to the problems of capitalism? Can the state act as "neutral tool" of the working class or the lower classes and social groups in general? Is there finally any exit from capitalism within the state boundaries?

One would wonder what does all this have to do with SYRIZA. Well of course they have since SYRIZA is the greek version of a work that we have seen many times before: the state and the government with various masks presented as saviors. They present the alleged possibility that another capitalism is possible: a better one. This question relates also to the future of the thriving (until recently) anarchist and class movement in Greece. This movement, from 2012 onwards, seeing more and more of his weaknesses, and knowing consecutive defeats, from a point and then withdrew from the class struggle and direct action and began to entrust its salvation to SYRIZA. This is one reason SYRIZA became so massive. However SYRIZA can not and does not want to do many things and much of a difference. The conditions and limitations set by the global credit and finance capitalism give him only a few possibilities. The Keynesian state is something that belongs to the past in Greece. 

On the other hand, SYRIZA during his attempt to ascend to power and to find support in larger parts of Greek society, apparently changed his rhetoric and politics. From a moderate leftist party turned into a liberal party which manipulates public opinion with anti-EU and left rhetoric, and liberal politics. The political program of SYRIZA as it is right now is clearly liberal and reflect the political position of a portion of the Greek and European commercial capital that sees the market to shrink because of the austerity policies. Also in the party have joined almost all members of PASOK, the party that ruled Greece in the last 20 years. Several American economists supporting by all means SYRIZA and see in him, the model of capitalism for years to come. A capitalism that integrates the left and class movements. Therefore we are set back to issues of what is the state and capitalism, and of what we can do with them. We can use them, or only destroy them. The rise of SYRIZA poses serious political and theoretical questions that we have to answer and reconsider if don't want to be assimilated into the state.

Greek blogger and anarchist activist will give a representation which elaborates these topics. You can familiarize yourself with the blog in:

After the Skype-lecture there is time for questions and general discussion. The language of the event is English, translation to Finnish is possible but not guaranteed.

You may also follow the event online (both real-time and recording) at

The event is hosted in Kammari (Kaarlenkatu 15, Helsinki)


Accessibility: there are 2 stairs at the entrance. There is no accessible toilet on the venue.



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