Tattoo Circus arrives to Helsinki third time!

Tattoo Circus

Come to the Tattoo Circus 13-15.4 to support prisoners and get inked!
Oranssi, Kaasutehtaankatu 1 (building 11), Suvilahti, Helsinki

Annual prisoner support event and -festival was organised first time here in spring 2016. In different European cities Tattoo Circus have been organised already since 2007. Tattoo Circus is not limited to tattoo culture only, but provides a great program related to prison and circus themes which invites everyone to participate. The program this year features circus, tarot workshop, bingo, hairdo workshop, to mention few. There will be music performances and discussions and introductions of situations of political prisoners around the world.And of course the festival will feature tattoo artist ready to give you a tattoo in support of political prisoners! We will also send postcards and letters to prisoners to support them.

Contact us: tattoocircushki[at]


Facebook event:

Tattoo Circus Helsinki Crew



Has to say about black cross in finland. My friend (R.I.P.) was at jail from stabbing 3 years or something. He was drunk and drugs and shamed of he's doings. Victim stayed alive and no one had really nothing aganst him just drunken arguing.  I mentioned one anarchist meeting some black cross "hello to prison" -cards writing that my friend is in jail, they were willing to add him to mailing list, asking he's name and prison. ... without knowing what he has done and what was the case. I said that absolutely not, he is not "victim", I didnt tell reason why he was in prison. Still they keep asking it like being in prison would be thing. I just think that it is not none of your bussiness, you dont even know the guy, even you would (know him),  you would not know he's real name. What you would write to some random drunken stabbing - support letter, to some one totally unknown?  I lost my intrest to whole black cross thing, being prison is not thing what to support .... or something something. I want share this story because  is persons who kind of act against idelogy what they present, they push away them (like me) who would like to chage things, pushing away by being too pushy, intrude.

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