Avtonom #24 English summary. Spring 2005

Avtonom is a pseudo-quarterly journal by of Autonomous Action, which developed from a network to a libertarian communist federation January 2002, after two years of existence. Currently Autonomous Action has local groups in 13 cities of Russia and Armenia, and supporters and friends in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Dear friends,

welcome to spring issue of Avtonom... this year we are turning 10 years,
wait for some celebrations to come!

It is very difficult to get foreign radical press and texts in Russia, so we
are interested to expand our mailing list - if you know people who would be
interested to read our materials, please contact them for us! Currently
German correspondence is done by Nizhni Novgorod section, Italian and
Spanish by our members in Tyumen and all other languages in in Moscow -
please send press with respective languages to cities dealing with
respective correspondence. In another hand, mailing out is so expensive that
we would like to post our papers only to people who understand what is
written in them...

Relevant addresses are (do not write names of the group to envelopes,
please! Never publish or distribute our addresses without this note) the

Autonomous Action of Moscow and editorial collective of Avtonom
P. O. Box 13
109028 Moscow Russia
adm AT avtonom DOT org
avtonom AAT avtonom dt org

Anarchist group of Nizhni Novgorod (German correspondence)
P. O. Box 25
603104 Nizhni Novgorod Russia
ad_nn AATT mail DUT ru

Tyumen (Spanish and Italian correspondence)
P.O. Box 4481
625001 Tyumen Russia
roustam_f IN hotmail dot com

Our federal site is

Our paper costs 20 rubles or 70 cents, ground mail abroad is additional 2
dollars. Before ordering our paper, check out if some our international
distributors close to you has copies left. If you want to join this list,
you are welcome!

P.O. Box 59
1220 Sofia
anarchy AAT bulgaria DDoTT com

PL 60 00531 Helsinki
tasajako ATT anarkismi ddt net

Infoshop Teror 13
directa AAT freemail dot com dot mk

Het Fort van Sjakoo
Jodenbreestraat 24 1011 NK Amsterdam
info AAAT sjakoo DOT nl

Infoszop ul. Targowa 22 Warszawa Poland

Cafe 44, Tjarhovsgatan 44,
info AT kafe44 DDOTT com

Avtonom #24 English summary. All articles in Russian language.

Cover: Pictures from anti-militarist actions organised in Moscow in February

Page 2: "Putinist Russia - what is coming up?", Pavel Sentyabrskiy writes
about possible
trajectories of development of the local state terror machine.
Page 3: IVth general meeting of Autonomous Action on migration. See
http://www.ainfos.ca/04/oct/ainfos00245.html for English version.
Page 4: "Day of a deserter", report of an anti-militarist festival organised
of February in Moscow. See http://www.ainfos.ca/05/mar/ainfos00213.html
for English version of the article.
Page 5: "Country of dark forces", how and why state tried to stop deserter
from happening.


Page 6: Irkutsk anarchists organised a benefit concert for an orphanage 14th
of December,
Ufa anarchists joined protests against abolition of free social benefits
22th of January
and had their own illegal demonstration as well, anarchists in Perm
organised Food Not
Bombs and support concert 27th of February, Nizhni Novgorod police arrested
who joined protests against abolition of free social benefits 23rd of
January, Yaroslavl
anarchists organised illegal demonstration 23rd of February,
Page 7: Moscow anarchists demonstrate solidarity with Israeli squatters and
anarchists against walls 28th of January
(see http://www.ainfos.ca/05/feb/ainfos00290.html), anarch@-feminist
graffiti action in
Saint-Petersburg in the eve of 8th of March.
Page 8: Comrade Ukrop tells how and why he threw Eduard Limonov, leader of
the National-Bolshevik
Party with a pie. Announcement about G8 protests coming up in Scotland.
Page 9: "Masses rush to love president". Leaflet and report from anarchist
subversion in
a pro-presidential demonstration of 12th of February. See English version in


Page 10: "Anarchist movement in Turkey - events and projects of the last two
years" by Batur Özdinç.
See English version in http://www.ainfos.ca/04/aug/ainfos00112.html
Page 12: Lessons to coppers in Australia and Greece, protests against Bush
inauguration in USA,
Chechen refugee hungerstrike in Poland.
Page 13: Protests against visit of Putin to Poland, "About catastrophical
consequences of inequality between people",
a column about tsunami and not only by Komuana.
Page 14: "Twilight of half-idols", another column by Komuana on "triumph of
democracy" in Iraq and Ukraine.
G8 preparation meeting in Tubingen of Germany, support squat "Les 400
Couverts" of Grenoble!, announcement
about upcoming protests against Council of Europe in Warsaw.

Social news

Page 16: Indigenious people in Sakhalin protests against oil corporations,
protests against urban densification in Kiev,
protest for access to drugs for HIV positive prisoners in Moscow
Page 17: New housing law, SOBR special forces demonstrate liberation of
hostages to journalists in Kemerovo, but forgets to tell them that it was
just a demonstration, not for real... "Homeless", a column by Gibel.
Page 18: 3000 people siege city council of Izhevsk, Republic of Udmurtia 1st
of March, bus drivers in a wildcat
strike in Tambov 1st of March, Anti-war festival "Krik" in Moscow 14th of
February, Chernobyl victims protest in Krasnoyarsk, firemen and police are
deprived exemption from army (we are not sorry for the pigs though!).
Page 19: Workers of Yasnogorsk car plant protest against lockout, 60
inhabitants of a collapsing dormatory begin
a hungerstrike in Samara, 11 soldiers in Ingushetia announce that officers
attempt to force them to subscribe a professional contract, and that they
will desert if they are sent to serve in Chechnya, 1000 mothers of Beslan
demonstrate without permission in Vladikavkaz with a slogan "terrorism of
governement is worse than Al-Qaida". Murmansk anarchists
are sued after organising a breakout march from a protest against abolition
of free social benefits 23rd of January.
(see http://www.ainfos.ca/05/jan/ainfos00376.html for English report)


Page 20: "Demonetization as a first step towards libertarian communism", A.
Tushin about neo-liberal myths, free collective transport and why protesting
against abolition of free social benefits is not pleaing mercy from the
Page 21: "Price of head will be defined once and for all", Marina writes
about reform of educational system in Russia.
You bet we do not like it! Announce about anarcho-bus project coming to
Russia in the summer of 2005.
Page 22: Polina Eliseyevna writes about student protests in Institute of
History and Culture, small commercial university in Moscow.
Page 24: "60 years from the victory - truth and fantasy". Pavel Sentyabrskiy
trashes usual myths bouncing around 9th
of May in Russia, such as "Soviet Union was an unexpecting victim of a
cowardly attack", "Soviet people was united
in face of the aggression" and "Soviet army liberated world from brown pest,
and brought a freedom to many people". Announcement of Kino-klub "Diversiya"
in Samara.

Zones of conflict

Page 26: "Pipeline guard", Delph from Irkutsk writes about shady dealings
around plans to build a 4000 kilometer oil pipeline from central Siberia to
Pacific Ocean.


Page 27: "The Free Software Movement - Anarchism in Action", a slightly
shortened translation of
an article by Asa Winstanley, see

Anarchist Black Cross

Page 30: Anarchists arrested in Aachen
Page 31: Interview of a recently deceased Spanish anarchist prison rebel
Xose Tarrio.
Page 33: Free Ojore Nuru Lutalo!

Mother of order # 9 - anarcho-feminist bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 33: "Production of mothers in Soviet Union", article by Natalia
Chernyayeva originally
published in "Gendernye issledivaniya" #12, 2004.
Page 37: "Personal becomes political" by Ulyana

Kind fists - skinhead bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 38: Belarussian Street Punk meeting 2004: Toro Bravo from Lithuania and
local bands tour Grodno, Brest
and Lida. Violence, nazi assault, police brutality, OMON - what else one may
ask for a great party! Originally
published in #5 of "Lysye Novosty" zine of Grodno SHARP.
Page 41: Skinhead press - Lysye Novosty, Laces out from Minsk, Streetprint
from Perm and Scunx times from Kirov reviewed by ZOG.

Radical lazybones #7 - paper version of http://antijob.nm.ru

Page 42: "Role of work in transferring a human to a horse", by Polina
Page 43L Adbusting in Moscow metro in New Year's eve, picket at office of
Rosugol in Moscow in support of 66 year old Vasiliy Torgashev and other
betrayed miners, new independent union for knowledge workers in Moscow,
succesfull wildcat strike by coaches in consctuction site of DON-stroy in


Page 44: "We are stupid people" - an interview with political performance
group from Moscow.


Page 46: "Natural history of the rich" by Richard Conniff, "Lovers" by

Pages 47-48: Contacts, poem "Black flag" by Gibel (second part).

Pages 4-6: Russian news - Workers strike in city of Kropotkin against
takeover of their factory, rebirth of squat Pekarnia with new name - Klizma,
Anti-repression action in Krasnodar, concert for anarchist political
prisoner Dimitri Ryabinin in Moscow, informal meeting of Autonomous Action
in Moscow, African students protest against racist murder in Voronezh,
hungerstrike in Sankt-Petersburg prisons, Seminar on ecological sabotage in
Nizhni Novgorod, scandal in Kem of Karelian republic, action against fascist
Movement Against Illegal Immigration in Moscow, anarchists in Nizhni
Novgorod and Moscow demonstrate against new forest codex, anti-fascist
demonstration in Sankt-Petersburg, "Case of doctors - 2".

Pages 7-8: Reports from anarchist and anti-authoritarian activities against
War in Chechnya in 60th anniversary of deportation of Chechnyans and
Ingushetians 23rd of February 2004. Movie screenings in Kazan, graffiti
action in Rostov-na-Donu, guerilla theatre in Yekaterinburg, pickets and
meetings in Izhevsk and Samara, non-legalised demonstrations in Vsevolzhk
and Moscow.

Page 9: Announcements of (then) upcoming actions - Marihuana march in
Moscow, festival for 190th Jubilee of Bakunin in his birthplace Pryamuhino,
general meeting of Autonomous Action coming up in Ivanovo next August,
radical ecological protest camp coming up in Perm, 3rd European PGA
conference coming up in Belgrade in July.

First hand account

Page 10: Ukrop's impressions from Nestor Makhno 115th birthday march in
Moscow 8th of November 2003.

Theory of resistance

Page 11: Critique of bourgeois concept of human rights by Mihail Magid.

Page 13: Translated fragments from Situationist classic "On poverty of
student life" by Mustafa Hayati, previously unpublished in Russian language.


Page 15: "A place under the sun", on grassroots community groups organising
against excessive tightening of urban planning in Moscow.

Zones of conflict

Page 18: "Mikluho-Maklaya street", on life of foreign students in Moscow

Page 19: "I'll change my rifle for a ticket to Tambov", on graffiti by
Russian soldiers located in Chechnya. Graffiti from which header of the
article was painted by soldiers to a dormatory wall in Oktyabrski suburb of

Page 20: A call for an international day of action against war in Chechnya
by Moscow anarchists.

Page 21: Was Bakunin a nationalist? Mihail Magid comments: "...anarchists
take position against anti-german and anti-semite feelings of Bakunin.
Today, nationalism of Bakunin may only attract fascists from NBP and other
such trash."

Page 22: "Language of hostility". On media image of illegal immigrants by
V.N. Titov.

Mother of order - anarcho-feminist bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 25: "A ring of powerlesness". On anarchist position on abortion.

Page 26: "A slap to the face of the social taste" - anarcho-feminists
demonstrate in Moscow 8th of March

Page 27: "Say NO to barbie dolls" - an article about internet-movement
unforeseen in Russia to have Alena Pisklova, normal-looking Moscovite to
represent Russia in Miss Universum contest coming up in Equador. Organisers
of the interenet-voting eventually fraudulently moved Alena Pisklova from
the contest when it became evident that she would gain a landslide victory.

Kind fists - bulletin for skinheads

Page 28: Interview with fans of FC Saint Pauli

Page 29: Proletarian counter-culture in Russian periphery - an interview
with oi!-band Klowns from Kirov

Radical lazybones #5 - workers issue bulletin of Moscow Autonomous Action is
now an appendix of Avtonom

Page 30: Employer of the issue - SAVVA Holding from Moscow. Former employee
tells how she is happy to have survived alive inspection of "security
department", which suspected her of an attempt to gather adepts to a sect
form among other employers....

Page 31: "Proletarian internet", sites recommended by antijob.nm.ru:
kompaktor.narod.ru - yet another site to be added to growing list of
worker-maintained sites against McDonald's, delo-tabak.narod.ru by

Kazakhstan workers of Philip Morris, plohoitrud.nm.ru - antijob of Omsk,
Siberia. Information about common project by nelegal.ru and antijob.nm.ru to
gain rights for Moscow workers without residence permission.

Anarchist Black Cross

Page 32: Coverage on case of Jeffrey "Free" Luers, American anarchists
sentenced to 23 years for a minor ecological sabotage.

Page 33: Coverage on case of Tomas Wilkoszevski, anti-fascist jailed in
Poland for 15 years. What one should remember when writing letters to

In the world

Page 34: "Aegean sea belows to its fishes". History of Greek anarchist
movement, first parts deals with its emerge from under the black colonel's
junta in 70's. To be continued in the next issue of Avtonom.


Page 37: Interview with "Acid Umbrellas" from Yekaterinburg.

Page 42: Avtonom and DIY - editorial collective explains its position.


Page 38: "Against dogms". Petr Ryabov replies to provocative article of Ivan
Nopasaran on "anarchist realism", published in last issue of Avtonom.

Book reviews

Page 40: Russian edition of "Philosophy of Punk. More than a noise!" by
Craig O'Hara, Anthology of

modern anarchism and left-wing radicalism, "White on Black" by Ruben David
Gonzales Galierro,

and "Revolutionary suicide" by Huey Newton.

Page 44: Poem "Squares" by Vladimir Lifshits.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago