Avtonom #30 English summary. Autumn 2008. theme of the issue - total confrontation.

Dear friends,

This has been a hectic half a year, thus our mailout abroad once again comes much late. This number came out last December, and much has happened since then. This issue we will always remember due to contribution of our comrade Nastya Baburova, who was murdered last January with our friend and comrade Stas Markelov. Nastya made much of the layout of the number, and also wrote articles, signed with her nickname Skat.

Avtonom is journal of libertarian communist organisation Autonomous Action, which has local groups in 15 cities of Belarus and Russia.

We are interested to expand our mailing list - if you know people who would be interested to read our materials, please contact them for us! Currently all correspondence abroad is done by Moscow group, so please send us any stuff you have. In another hand, mailing out is so expensive that we would like to post our journal only to people who understand what is written in it.

Our contact is the following:

Autonomous Action of Moscow and editorial collective of Avtonom
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Avtonom #30 English summary. All articles in Russian language

Page 2: Introduction to theme of the issue - total confrontation. As libertarian communist ideas are shared by absolute minority, discussion in this number is more on survival in hostile world than on building communist future. Impossible is not something we may even demand – impossible is something we must do with our own hands.
Theme of issue – total confrontation

Page 3: A word of praise for A.D. Pyotr Ryabov writes, how three musketeers made him an anarchist.
Page 5: Nobody needs it. Yura writes on motivation of anarchist in world of today and how he woke up from coma after attack to ecological protest camp in Angarsk.
Page 6: Anarcho-communism and success in life. Sergey Sloschev writes on survival of a revolutionary in capitalist society.
Page 7: A review of Batman – Dark Knight. Antifaobserver has more sympathy for Joker than for Batman.
Page 9: Show-business, hardcore scene and freedom. Margarita “Dakota” Gerasimovna, (then) 17 year old anarchist from Belarus made it to the final round of Russian reality show “Star Factory” in year 2007, in this interview she tells more about her life in stardom but also some topics of worldview are touched.
Page 11: 700 000 encircled A's – interview with Mongol Shuudan, a famous Russian rock band which sings about Makhno, cossacks and tachankas.
Page 13: Interview with “Voyna” (War), confrontational political art group from Moscow by Skat


Page 15: Kender reports on flashmob action “Chain”, organised in Tyumen.
Page 20: Reading like a Bakunin – Pyotr Ryabov reports on Bakunin readings 2008, organised in Pryamukhino
Page 21: Anti-fascism on the March – a report by Andrey on relatively big antifa march in Moscow after murder of Aleksey Krylov.
Page 23: From the very sea of Japan: Yura reports on various libertarian initiatives in Russian Far East.
Page 24: Anarchists and police brutality. Skat reports on spring 2008 campaign against police brutality in Moscow, biggest anarchist (and not only) mobilization in city since 1920's.
Page 27: A village on its own. Arina Maykhova writes on ecological protest camp in Sasovo of Ryazan region in summer of 2008.
Page 28: Arina Maykhova writes on campaign against planned Nuclear Power Plant in Nizhniy Novgorod.
Page 30: On nationalism and libertarism. Two Moscow libertarians visited South of Ossetia in aftermath of 2008 war, and Arina Maykhova on her impressions. Similar text they wrote in English is was published in Abolishing the Borders from Below #33, but it is not yet available online.

Practical anarchy

Page 32: An elementary guide to scouting, for those looking for adventures in city environment. Yusup Pekhlevi. “If those who participated to events, did not fulfilled requests of organisers, whatever might be the consequences it is fault of the participators.... If you are told to leave from the demonstration as an organised group, and not to disperse to park in order to dring beer, it is definitely important. Whoever did not listened and got killed, it is his own fault”.
Page 34: Couch all around the world. Masha Oleneva presents hospitality club to readers of Avtonom.
Page 36: Revolutionary Conference of Anarcho-Syndicalits: the new beginning. Arina Maykhova interviewed Sergey from Eastern Ukraine on new developments with the organisation.

Anarchist Black Cross

Page 38: News on imprisoned Munich squatters and imprisoned Saratov anti-fascist Andrei Mergenev, shortened version of CrimethINC article on Green Scare (full Russian version is available online) and addresses of Greenscare prisoners.

History of libertarian resistance

Page 44: Up Against the Wall, Motherfucker! An introduction to group as Gilea is publishing anthology of Black Mask and Motherfuckers. Also announcement of upcoming publication of Russian translation of “Act! Scenarios of revolution” by Jerry Rubin.
Page 48: Pyotr Ryabov reviews “Betrayed revolution – USSR and unformal opposition 1986-1989” by Aleksandr Shubin and “Revolution not seriously” by Aleksandr Tarasov. While book of Shubin has both merits and faults, Tarasov book is total trash.

Kind fists – skinhead bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 49: Interview with Star hools, anti-fascist football hooligan firm from supporting Zvezda Irkutsk, which plays in secondmost highest Russian football league. Unfortunately during season 2008 club bankrupted.
Page 51: Book and music reviews.


Page 52: Snusmumrik writes on various ecovillages in former Soviet Union.
Page 54: On usefulness of traffic jams by Polina Eliseyeva. Ghosts of the USSR – Pavel Sentyabrskiy writes on rise anti-democratic revisionism of Russian history.
Page 56: Anarchists and second Chechen war. Pyotr Afos puts conflict to historical perspective and summarizes various anarchist positions and resistance against war during last 9 years. This article will appear in English during year 2009 – check it out then.
Page 64: Just business by Aleksey Arkhipov. Why some drugs are legal and others not?
Page 68: A zombie for five days a week. Viktor Olksnis writes on brainwashing methods which help to raise level of productivity of labor to completely new levels.
Page 70: On revolutionary hairstyles. Mikhail Antonov puts subcultures to perspective of historical materialism, but avoids usual banalities of the topic.
Page 74: Slavery in Ukraine. Anarchist veteran Ilya Romanov, writes on realities of Ukrainian prison, where he is doing a 10 year prison term.

Page 75: Our contacts

Back cover: Anarchist Mayday 2008 in Moscow

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