Ситуация № 38
Региональный спецвыпуск газеты "Ситуация" № 38 посвящен борьбе с уплотнительной застройкой в Челябинске.
Региональный спецвыпуск газеты "Ситуация" № 38 посвящен борьбе с уплотнительной застройкой в Челябинске.
Special Issue represents a leaflet A3. Number by the campaign for the release of hostages Khimki - members of autonomous operation Alexei Gaskarova and antifascist Maxim Solopova. Download, print and distribute "situation" itself. The original-model attached to this news.
June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...
Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...