Viktor Filinkov, convicted in the «Network» case, has been released. He was deported to Kazakhstan
Submitted by Редакция on 30 January, 2025 - 23:23Translation of the article into English was done by our volunteers.
Translation of the article into English was done by our volunteers.
Hey everyone! We're continuing our weekly podcast "Trends of chaos and order." This is episode 186. It's prepared by the Irkutsk Anarchist Movement. These are the events from last week that the authors found interesting. The podcast was released in Russian on December 2 and was translated by our volunteers.
Hey everyone! We're continuing our weekly podcast "Trends of chaos and order." This is episode 187. This time, we'll be talking about Syria, Georgia and Russia. The podcast was released in Russian on December 10 and was translated by our volunteers.
Our translation of the Antijob project article.
Not so long ago we wrote about the occupation of mills and factories in Argentine, but as our subscribers rightly noted something similar, but unfortunately on a smaller scale and with its own specifics, had happened in Russia’s modern history as well.
Translation from the site Original in Russian here.
~ NinaT
The translation was first published here.
The antifascist movement emerged in Russia in the late 1990s – early 2000s as a response to neo-Nazis’ violence: back then, the far-right was attacking migrants, homeless people, punks and anyone they didn’t like almost daily. Over the past couple of decades, the movement has changed significantly, having gone through murders of its participants, numerous criminal cases and now a split due to the war. Radio Svoboda (RS) recounts the story of Russian antifa.
We publish an article from Crimethinc.
On April 19, 2023, three anarchists were killed in battle near Bakhmut: an American named Cooper Andrews, an Irishman named Finbar Cafferkey, and a Russian named Dmitry Petrov, known to us until then as Ilya Leshy. People in our networks have shared undertakings with all three of these comrades over the years.
“Solidarity Zone” is a project that helps people repressed for anti-war resistance. Altleft talked to activists of the project about solidarity in the Russian society, forms of protest and the prospects of the end of the war. Questions were answered by participants that work in Russia.
Antifond — is a common project of Antijob, Feminist Anti-War Resistance and Antiwar Sick Leave (Antivoenny Bolnichny), organized after beginning of the invasion. The project focuses on supporting strikes and protecting labor rights, including from harassments at work for anti-war stances.
The theory of the state is the reef on which the revolutions of our century have been shipwrecked.1 During the revolutions of the Arab Spring, the people brought about the fall of the regime, but the institutions of the state remained intact. Elsewhere the revolutions were drained in protracted civil wars. Everywhere that the old regime has seemed to be thrown down, it has found new sources of strength and risen again. What would it look like to finally break with this cycle?
In the past, insurrections have managed to defeat the state, rather than just a particular government. Insurrection is something more than a wave of riots, militant protests, blockades, occupations, and so on. It is the opening of a rupture, the search for that point after which no turning back is possible. If the revolutions of our time haven't defeated the state, we argue this is because there haven't been insurrections: there have been nonviolent uprisings, riots, armed struggles, and civil wars, but not yet insurrection.
June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...
Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...