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Greece: general strike paralyzed the country

July 8, in Greece was a general strike directed against the plans of the country's governments to push through parliament a package "anti-crisis laws" imposed by the IMF and the EU, to assume the scale of postdiktatorsky period in the history of the country, attack on the rights of workers and pensioners: sokrashenie social rasshodov budget cuts in wages and pensions, increase the retirement age, the deterioration of labor laws. The strike virtually paralyzed the public transport in the country.Been completely paralyzed public transport. Did not work underground, buses and trams arose. Was closed the biggest Greek port of Piraeus and Athens International Airport.

During the strike was canceled flights to many ferries from Athens to the Greek islands.Greek air traffic controllers prervaali work for a few hours. In connection with the strike were also closed schools, hospitals and courts. At the strike of civil servants took part, employees of local government, insurance funds and tax inspections, doctors, hospital staff, customs officers, employees of banks. The 24-hour cease broadcasting of news media.

On Wednesday (July 7), the Greek government had taken a key program of anti-crisis measures decision to increase retirement age to 65 years and reduce pensions by 7%.As explained by the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance of Greece, Andreas Loverdosa, the decision to implement these deeply unpopular among the population of the reform was inevitable, because of them directly related to the state budget, expenditure on pensions in which, and so is 12,5%.

Also, dissatisfaction with the trade unions led granted employers the right to decline more employees.

His rejection of government decisions have already expressed the Greek General Confederation of Labour and trade union of public sector.These two associations of citizens, whose membership is 2.5 million people, declared that "the rejection of a draft pension reform and foreseeable changes in labor legislation and not agree to any unjust measures which are directed against the workers and retirees."

Wave of protest

The general strike which took place July 8 - the sixth since the beginning of the year.A similar rally was held just a few weeks ago, on June 29. Then the work did not go public-sector workers, municipalities, transport, hospitals, banks. The result of the strike became stopping of rail and ferry for a day, the removal of dozens of domestic flights. The only thing that is not affected if the strike in the transport sector - international flights.

Air traffic controllers decided not to cause additional impact on tourism, which is one of the main sources of the treasury of Greece in time of crisis.At the same time strike, which was attended by journalists, has paralyzed the government and private television and radio stations, which broadcast throughout the day not the news. On the same day in the parliament of Greece and began a debate on the introduction of the country's tight fiscal policy.

The last action of Greek trade unions ended in clashes between protesters and police.The demonstrators set up on main streets of the city barricade of garbage cans and pelted with representatives of law enforcement with stones and bottles, resulting in the latter was used tear gas.

As a result of collisions suffered seven police officers, 13 demonstrators were detained. This is not the first time against the demonstrators used non-lethal weapons.In March of this year, an hour before the parliamentary session in which MPs were to discuss reforms to the crisis, a group of 150 people gathered outside the building and began chanting: "Burn the parliament!". Then the riot police also used tear gas against them. And thousands protest demonstration in Athens on May 5 resulted in massive riots in which three people died.

Recall that the strict measures that led to this wave of strikes associated with the adoption of a three-year program credits.In May 2010, Greece agreed with the EU and the IMF to give her financial assistance to 110 billion euros at reduced rates. In exchange for a three-year loan, Greece should implement the program of a package of austerity measures, which includes the mandatory reduction of budget deficits, higher taxes, the stabilization of public debt, a sharp reduction in public sector, there are pensions and subsidies, the abolition of bonuses for civil servants.

In May of this year, Greece has already received the first tranche of $ 20 billionEuro. This will reduce the budget deficit, which amounted in 2009 13.6% of GDP, and bring it to an acceptable level in the EU, which amounts to no more than 3% to kontsu2014 year. However, even while reducing the cost of the Greek budget revenues are still not fulfilling the plan planned growth as a recession, the VAT hike taxes on gasoline and other products, slowing growth in tax payments. On the record over the past 13 years the level of inflation also remains.

According to media reports, despite popular opposition to the Greek Parliament adopted a package of "anti-crisis laws late at night on July 8, the government (the Socialist party, PASOK) by selling it to his party a majority of 157 deputies out of 300.We hope that the Greek people to adequately respond to this attack on their rights in the nearest weeks.




Universal 24-hour strike was held in Greece (29 June 2010)

Greece.The general strike (20 May 2010)

Greece on fire: attack the parliament and the Ministry (5 May 2010)

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