In St. Petersburg received a new campaign against the expansion of the Arctic
Submitted by Редакция on 24 September, 2010 - 08:21
Members of the movement for "fair globalization" from Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg threw smoke bombs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg. The protest was timed to 2 nd Arctic Forum will be held in October in Murmansk and held in protest against the development of Russian Arctic shelf, and against the division of spheres of activity and influence of countries in the northern region.
In its report alterglobalists declare that they were "against the annexation of the territory of Russia in the Arctic as the 9 th of the Federal District."Besides the protest by the policies of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, who did not issue visas to Western alterglobalists, going to come to Murmansk to take part in a protest.
"Oil Rush ruin the Arctic!" - Warn members of the movement and point to the sad experience of Vritish Petroleum. The harsh weather conditions of this area will inevitably lead to disasters and oil spills, and even worse - to explosions and fires, believed to activists. How to find manifestaty, Russia ETSaet all to start rapacious plunder of natural resources in the Arctic: "technogenic activity of Russian corporations will lead to melting Arctic ice, which is flooding the world's most beautiful cities, including St. Petersburg.
Later, the activists of the Resistance Movement of Peter Alekseev held a rally on the icebreaker "Krasin", which was once the pride of the Soviet icebreaker fleet, in order to draw public attention to the danger of imperialist war in the Arctic, which may spread to other regions.DSPA Activists climbed onto the deck of the ship and placed where the poster "No redistribution of the Arctic!", An appeal against the development of the Arctic, arguing that the territory - an international, it must belong to scientists around the world, and not the military, who will be there to set the limits. The protesters also opposed mining on the Arctic shelf, because it will kill the unique nature of the region.
Nearest Arctic forum involving several states will be held in early October in Murmansk.It will discuss economic, environmental and other perspectives of Arctic exploration.
Alterglobalists worldwide call to boycott the event.