News on the case of Alexei Sokolov
Submitted by Редакция on 28 October, 2010 - 23:14
In mid-November in the case of human rights activist Alexei Sokolov will be filed an application for parole. Protecting Alexei Sokolov have already started to prepare for it. Before considering the case on parole will be held rallies in support, as in Yekaterinburg, and in other cities. We encourage you to participate in support of Alexis.
Also there was updated information about an address by Alexei Sokolov. At the moment, Alex is in a medical detention facility on treatment after being beaten in Novosibirsk, ieit at any time can translate into a colony, but we encourage you to write him a letter anyway. Naturally, there is a risk that the letters do not reach, if Alexei somewhere to be transferred. But this does not mean that now do not need to write to him. Even if something suddenly will not come until Alexis, still, it comes to "the one who should" and "those who need to" know that about Alexei not forget that he ever wrote, and hence better with him not to get involved. Our main task is to Alexei Sokolov dosidel without incident and went out with minimal loss of life and health.
Address details:
662500, city Sosnovoborsk Str. Factory 5, POBox № 214, DEC-40, LIU-37, 2 unit, Alexei Sokolov Veniaminovich, born in 1973.
The specified number of days earlier at the same letter will reach, if not, prison officials deliberately prevented this. It is best to send registered letters, registered letters as in almost all cases be transmitted to the recipient under rospisku. The passage of a registeredletters you can follow on the website address in Russia.