Patricia Heras kills herself after being sent to prison for a crime she did not commit
Submitted by Редакция on 4 May, 2011 - 08:33
Background [see also correction at bottom]: there was some noisy party in some apartment in Barcelona, in the confuse events that followed an agent was hit by a potted plant thrown from a balcony causing him severe injuries that left him paraplegic.
Strangely the municipal police, instead of investigating properly and persecuting whoever threw the pot, decided to blame this on the squatter movement. First they decided that the apartment in question was "related" somehow to the squatter movement, something these deny, then they changed the story of the potted plant for a stone, finally they accused this girl, Patricia Heras, of throwing not the stone but a mobile fence in the course of the confusing struggle.
There are many ways to kill:
they can stab you,
they can take your bread,
they can not cure your illness,
they can push you to suicide...
Source: Sare Antifaxista[es].
Correction: the original fight happened in a massive party in a squatted building where some 1500 people were attending. The arrested seem to have been randomly repressed among passers by, people getting out from the party and visitors at a hospital.
Importantly, the original police report that attributed the injuries of the agent to a potted plant has mysteriously vanished.
Source: Mariana Huidobro's open letter at Sare Antifaxista (Mariana is the mother of one of the scapegoats).