A call for an international campaign against concentration camps in Russia
Submitted by Редакция on 17 August, 2013 - 17:53
It is by now obvious that Russia is drowning ever-more deeply within a swamp of fascist dictatorship. Riding the wave of xenophobic hysteria which has flared up prior to the Moscow mayoral elections, a true concentration camp for migrants has been opened. It is being filled through an all-out hunt for ‘non-Europeans’ conducted on the streets of Moscow.
Human rights defenders and journalists who have visited the camps testify that foreign citizens are being held in torturous conditions. Many of them live and work legally in Russia and their detention is illegal even from the standpoint of bourgeois justice. Amongst the thousands of people detained in the concentration camps are refugees who are threatened with political persecution and even a death sentence in their home countries. The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation has announced that it is planning to open 83 similar camps for “illegal migrants” throughout the country.
Russian anarchists call on all people who are not indifferent to human misery to undertake solidarity actions between 29th August and 3rd September. We are demanding an end to openly racist politics like those practiced by the Russian authorities, liquidation of concentration camps and the abolition of all legal barriers to employment for workers in Russia.
Please write to stopdeportationrus@gmail.com about any actions!
No one is illegal! Our motherland is the humanity as a whole!
Mainstream news articles on the topic
The Moscow Times: 'Migrant Camp' Inspires New Facilities
The Moscow News: Detention camp set up after Moscow migrant crackdown
the Guardian: Russia detains immigrants in 'concentration camps'