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The outrage of the police in Petrozavodsk, Russia. Please distribute widely!

It is an open secret that the newly created centers for counteraction of extremism in Russia often become the tool of repression and work against civil liberties and initiatives. Doing their work the "fighters against extremism" don't despise to break the law brutally. In Petrozavodsk 3 young people became the victims of the police outrage. They were being pressed and tortured and now the case is being fabricated. Without any significant evidence they are accused of vandalism made by a group of people by previous concert, namely throwing the paint bombs and distributing the leaflets, criticizing the established social and political order.

 The legal assistance and financial support is urgently needed!

 The group of support against the police brutality in Petrozavodsk


The financial support can be transferred by Webmoney:
No. Z266068753085


You may also contribute money through ABC-Moscow, we will pass money to Petrozavodsk. 

For instructions how to donate, you may visit

(there you may also find links which explain how to use webmoney to pass money directly to Petrozhavodsk).

or you may write to us by e-mail to ask for other opportunities except a bank transfer ( abc-msk(at)riseup(dot(net).

For any money transfers, please notice to us to abc-msk(at)riseup(dot)net so that we will know that money is for Petrozhavodsk.

Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow



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