August 11 in Sevastopol action of solidarity with the company against the felling of forests Khimki

Near House of Moscow in Sevastopol gathered 20 people from the autonomous actions of the Marxists, environmentalists and their sympathizers. The participants were holding banners reading: "Freedom Gaskarova and Solopovu", "People are more important than profit," Why put Max and Lyesha? "," Plant trees, not people "," No logging Khimki woods! ".
The picketers handed out leaflets (text leaflets see below), and handed the director of Moscow House letter requirement (text messages see below).
People passing by came up and asked who the Max and Lesch and what they planted.Having learned about the problem, Sevastopol and guests supported the picket. Some stopped to listen to speeches about the problem of cutting down forests Khimki, repression against independent environmentalists and anti-fascists, as well as communication of environmental problems with globalization of capital and transnational corporations.

At the time of the transmission of messages claim there was an interesting incident. Originally supposed to enter the letter claims every 10 minutes, which receive the incoming number.But after the first letter, the administration refused to register the following documents, citing the fact that the first letter has already been registered. Administrator said: "What we are now, on every your letter will put incoming number? Take a copy of the first one! ". When the participants returned with a video camera and tried to shoot the denial of registration letters to the requirements, the administrator went back on their word, and fulfilled their duties properly, without unnecessary talk. It was finally handed over the eight identical letters from razyh people.Let's wait eight identical answers.

Just one of the participants came up resting in the city girls. They are interested in, why is picket. When they explained the action, the girls said that they live in Moscow, but the problem of cutting down forests Khimki have not heard anything, but they return home, try a similar action with its own political organization. At issue in any political organization they are, ladies shyly replied: "Young Russia". The picket participants wished them luck in this very useful and difficult endeavor.

Else, it should be noted that in the past 2009 Alex Gaskarov was in the environmental camp in protest against the construction of a coal terminal in Sevastopol (more on the company, paste links from Ineta).Alex came from Moscow to support the Sevastopol environmentalists. Sevastopol is now supported by Alexey and Maxim. The repression against social activists are not only in Russia and Ukraine. This trend is the onset of the authorities to the civil, social and human rights activists around the world.In this regard, social activists need to join together not by their ethnic or national grounds, but on the basis of human and environmental interests. We will not raise the issue of creating "sotsaktivistskogo International," but we want to restate once the current slogan: Social activists of all countries - UNITE!

Dear Vladimir O.! I have heard reports that during the construction of highway Moscow - St. Petersburg is cutting down a forest area near the town of Khimki.Environmentalists and civic activists are protesting against this construction, offering alternatives, not causing such harm nature. These options were rejected, and the territory through which could pass the road - sold for redevelopment.
Activists who tried to resist cutting, and journalists covering their activities, under pressure from local authorities interested in construction. After the start of logging (performed without proper authorization) for environmentalists have repeatedly been attacked by members of right-wing groups, hired by "Heat".Police and riot police ignored the attacks, have repeatedly delayed the defenders of the forest on trumped-up reasons.
After 28-July pressure on the social activists intensified. Independent environmentalists Alex Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov were arrested on trumped-up case and are now in custody.
Major acts of civil protest took place not only in the cities of Russia and Ukraine - Kiev, Odessa, Simferopol.
Many indifferent residents of Sevastopol are concerned about the situation in Khimki.The destruction of natural heritage and the pursuit of social activists have caused irreparable harm to Russia's image.
Since there is no consulate in Sevastopol, Russia, and for the House of Moscow establishes the right of direct appeal to the executive authorities of the city and Consulates in Poland, I beg you to convey to the Russian authorities claim the inhabitants of Sevastopol, and their concern prone to arbitrariness. I like predstavitel indifferent public, demand that the authorities of Russia:
· Immediate release of social activist Gaskarova Alexey and Solopova Maxima
· Cessation of logging
· Revision of the draft construction route Moscow - St. Petersburg
As one of the objectives is to inform the House of Moscow residents of Sevastopol on the life of Moscow and Russia, then I demand to verify the information provided in this paper and inform the public of Sevastopol on the current situation in Khimki and actions taken by you conveying the Russian authorities our demands

The leaflet distributed at the rally:

Wood chopping - Khimki burn
During the construction of highway Moscow - St. Petersburg is planned cutting of the forest area near the city of Khimki.Environmentalists and civic activists are protesting against this construction, offering alternatives, not causing such harm nature. These options were rejected, and the territory through which could pass the road - sold for redevelopment.
Activists who tried to resist cutting, and journalists covering their activities, under pressure from local authorities interested in construction.After the start of logging (performed without proper authorization) for environmentalists have repeatedly been attacked by members of right-wing groups, hired by "Heat". The government ignored the attacks, have repeatedly delayed the defenders of the forest on trumped-up reasons.
After the 28 th July, a group of left activists held a symbolic assault on the City Hall Khimki, Moscow launched a raid on anti-fascists.We arrested all known representatives of the movement, regardless of their participation in the action. Now in custody are Alexey and Maxim Gaskarov Solopov. Minutes of their detention are falsified, such as it is written that the activists were arrested on the spot pogrom "in the act, while they were detained only a day later and the fact of their involvement in riots in no way confirmed, Maxim Solopov in front of detention served by radio.The main argument of the prosecution at today is the fact that the detainees - the anti-fascists, as the evidence are presented found them leaflets and stickers Antifascist content.
What is going on - an absurd and irrational revenge power, people who tried to speak out against corruption and tyranny.
We demand the release of Maksim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova from custody, an end to illegal arrests of anti-fascists and stop deforestation! Plant a forest, not the activists!
We remind the authorities of both countries, that the unwillingness to listen to the peaceful and legitimate demands of civil society activists inevitably gives rise to radical protest.The attempt to suppress the protest draconian methods leads not to order, and an escalation of violence and terror.
Anti-fascism is not a crime!
Freedom Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopovu
We need a lot Khimki!
Independent Action - Crimea

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