Anarchists of Greece reported the release of "Thessaloniki Quartet: group of activists were arrested after the anti-globalization protests in Thessaloniki in 2003. Four of his comrades, including anarchist from England by Simon Chapman, found not guilty (except for one minor offense) on charges of participating in protests during the EU summit and riots in Thessaloniki in 2003. All the activists at large.
Greece, Thessaloniki 2003.Simon Chapman arrested during protests against the EU, the police threw him a backpack with Molotov cocktails
Recall: More than 100 people were arrested after a demonstration against the EU summit , held in Thessaloniki in 2003. Seven received prison sentences, including a demonstrator from England by Simon Chapman , who after the arrest the police had planted a backpack with Molotov cocktails.After the arrest of the prisoners declared a hunger strike, which lasted more than 50 days.
In the year 2003. Therefore, worldwide solidarity actions were accompanied by demonstrations, direct action and occupation, resulting in all the seven were released on bail. Eventually all charges were dropped, but a few years after the appeal the prosecutor charges were brought again .
Now all of the accused at large.Simon Chapman, Suleiman "Castro" Dakduk (Syria), Fernando Perez Gorraiz (Spain) and Michaelis Triakapis (Greece), found freedom after many trials. Initial charges dropped except for "defiance of authority" that later was changed to "minor disobedience."
This is a petty offense, entailing a suspended sentence for a period of 6 months. None of them will not be imprisoned, provided that within 6 months, anyone will be charged again.
More jurors could not do anything becausethey needed to indict at least something to "justify" those 6 months, which friends spent in prison in 2003.
Links on the subject material:
- Greece: Support the arrested comrades in Thessaloniki
- Greece: the sentence the murderers in uniform who shot and killed an anarchist Alexandros Grigoropolosa>
- Greece: a demonstration dedicated to the thirty-seventh anniversary of the uprising of students at the Warsaw University (photo, video)
- Greece: general strike paralyzed the country
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