In Izhevsk, police is ready to any means to jail anti-fascists

Currently there is a fabricated case against 3 antifascists going on Izhevsk, we raised funds for this in autumn:

During court proceedings, defence presented as a proof a phone conversation which took place 3rd of March between one of the accused anti-fascists (Mark Kolbin) and one of the alleged Nazi victims (Andrey Agafonov).

In the tape, Mark Kolbin asks why Nazi  activist Andrey Agafonov not withdraw his bogus evidence, and Andrey comments that he is afraid that he will be singled out for the same treatment as his Nazi comrade "B" (name was voiced in court, but for ethical reasons publication of the name was not printed in press), who was raped with a truncheon by 3 officers and a trainee of "Center for counteraction against extremism" (Konstantin Poocherednikov, Artyom Akhmetzyanov, Mikhail Shutov and trainee Rustam, surname of whom is unknown for Agafonov). Two of the officers held  "B", while one was raping him with a truncheon and fourth person filmed everything to a videotape, which could be used to blackmail "B" if he is ever to be sent to prison camp, where male rape victims are as a rule demeaned to caste of "opuschennyh" and thus singled out for sexual abuse.

Apparently Izhevsk cops are pretty serious in their attempts to jail anti-fascists, as they are threatening their alleged victims with rapes in order to gain testimony!

More in detail in Russian:


(originally published in local newsportal "Den'":

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