Last day of crowdfunding for Russian anti-war prisoners – some additional funds still needed

Vladimir Sergeev and Anton Zhuchkov

After Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February, the anti-war movement spread to every corner of the country with demonstrations and direct actions. During the first 3 months of the war, more than 16,000 people were detained in the daily demonstrations. Many got immediate, short prison sentences without due process, as well as fines, and several felony cases were also opened. As demonstrating has become ingreasingly difficult, more people have begun relying on direct action as their tactic, such as arson attacks against military draft centers and railway sabotage actions.

During those first weeks of the war, we received a record number of donations, as the international anti-authoritarian community was looking for ways to support the anti-war movement in Russia. Due to these unprecedented financial resources, we decided to widen our focus by supporting all anti-war prisoners, except outright fascists. We did not see the point in stashing away our funds, but wanted to put the money to use as soon as possible.

Now 8 months have passed and we have spent almost all of these donations. We have launched a crowdfunding effort for Anti-war prisoners on the Firefund website, but now is the last day of the drive, and some funds are still needed. Unless we reach our fundraising goal we will not receive any of the donations received so far.

All details about our fundraiser are available here.

Thank you for your solidarity,

Anarchist Black Cross Moscow

In foto: anti-war prisoners Anton Zhuchkov and Vladimir Sergeev

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