On 1st of May , 2019, a memorable rally and traditional demonstration of left-wing organizations and parties of the country were held in Helsinki. Anti-fascists, anarchists and left-wing activists organized separated revolutionary anti-fascist anti-capitalist bloc and passed through all the city. At 9 am a memorial rally was held near the monument to the fallen soldiers of the Finnish Red Guard, workers who died in concentration camps organized by nationalists and white guards in 1918-1919. Anarchists and anti-fascists raised black and red flags and laid flowers as a sign of memory and solidarity with the revolutionaries of past eras.
Between 11 and 12, around 450-500 demonstrators with black and red flags, “Everything belongs to you” banner and other banners and posters gathered near the metro station “Hakaniemi”. Among the demonstrators there were Russian-speaking activists from the Comrade's Network, finnish anarchist group A-Ryhma and kurdish activists with flags and posters. The participants communicated, exchanged news, distributed literature and leaflets.
At the beginning of the demonstration there were problems with the police. They did not want to let the car with the sound system to drive through , but in the end the case was managed. The car drove to the beginning of the block and the procession began, but the time was lost and the anti-fascist block went very far from the other part of the demonstration and looked like separate procession.
The revolutionary anti-fascist bloc looked impressive. It ranked for several hundred meters, anti-fascist, Kurdish, Italian, Spanish revolutionary songs were played from the music speakers. The activists carried the banners “General strike”, “Class war now”, “The working class doesn't recognize the borders”, “0% - bourgeois, 100% - anarchists”, “Nazis to the sea”, “Rage against the nazis”, as well as various posters against the deportation of migrants and refugees, bourgeois authorities and other. Tens of people chanted slogans: “Anticapitalista”, “Antifascista”, “Solidarity, struggle, autonomy”, “Break fascism, destroy capitalism” and others.
Our column passed through the half of the city from Hakaniemi station, through Senate Square and the railway station area to the Kamppi station. There was a lot of police, including the equestrian squad, lots of police cars and even one police armored car all the time around the procession . But it wasn't bothering anyone and did not scare.
The reaction of people around was positive, many people filmed our column by the phones, some took flyers, the drivers signaled back. The action ended with taking collective photos with kurdish comrades in solidarity with the struggle in Rojava and Abdullah Ocalan’s release.
Anarchist group of Russian-speaking activists "Comrad's Network" Helsinki, Finnish anarchist group A-ryhmä, antifascists group "Varisverkosto", Anarchist black cross Helsinki, individual people
List of Supporters: Mustan kanin kolo, Pinkkimusta Helsinki, Oikeus Elää! / Right To Live!, Stop Deportations, Vapaa liikkuvuus -verkosto, Vapaa syndikaatti, Rhythms of Resistance, Yhdessä Rojavan puolesta, Pelastetaan Kaapelinkulma and NCDK – Kurdien demokraattinen yhteisökeskus