New shortfilms on Belarusian anarchist political prisoners Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok, Mikalaj transferred to high-security prison

Two new shortfilms with subtitles in English, dedicated to Belarusian anarchists political prisoners have been released on Belarusian series "Chronicles of the times of courts", one is dedicated to Ihar Alinevich, and another to Mikalaj Dziadok.   Ihar was kidnapped in Moscow by plain-clothes Belarusian officials in Moscow 28th of November 2010, and only several days later it was revealed that he was in remand prison of Belarusian KGB in Minsk.    

27th of May 2011 Savodsky district court of Minsk sentenced Igor to 8 years of imprisonment in a colony of hardened regime. He was accused according to statutes 339 part 2 (hooliganism committed with a group of people) and parts 2 and 3 of statute 218 of Belarusian criminal codex (large property destruction with dangerous means).   

According to Belarusian human rights organisations, principles of fair trial and due process were violated during trial of Ihar Alinevich and his co-accused. Legal procedures were bypassed during arrest and extradiction of Ihar from Russia to Belarus. He had no any access to lawyer during his extradiction.  

During investigation, accused endured heavy psychological and physical pressure. During court process, testimony was not handled with an unpartial manner. Court did not fulfill appeals by the defence, and refused to hear witnesses of the defence, which compromised objectivity of the court.   

Igor and other prisoners were tortured during his time in KGB remand prison. Ihar was repeatedly proposed by authorities to work as a hacker for purposes of the authorities, but he refused.   

Co-accused of Ihar, Mikalaj Dziadok was recently transferred to a high-security prison ("indoor prison", in opposition of regular camps where prisoners are held in barracks) in Mogilev. Transfer was sanctioned by a special court process, and it took place after spending 6 months in isolation unit due to "systematical violations of the prison regime".   

New adress of Mihalaj is  

Nikolay Dziadok
ul. Krupskoy 99A, tyurma 4
212011 Mogilev Belarus

(Nikolay Dziadok is Russian version of Mihalaj's name - Belarusian prisons keep their files in Russian language). You may also send letters through online form in website of ABC-Belarus: A number of other Belarusian (non-anarchist) political prisoners have been transfered to high-security "indoor prisons" already before Mihalaj, these include Nikolay Statkevich, Dmitry Dashkevich, Nikolay Avtuhovich and Jauhen Vas'kovich.   

ABC-Moscow list of addresses of political prisoners in former Soviet Union:


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