August 31 will be the trial of Alexander Pakhotin accused of participating in a protest near the city of Khimki Administration

August 31, 14-00 magistrate court plot N258 Khimki district, Moscow region court Olga Zabachinskaya consider the case of an administrative offense Alexander Pakhotin accused of "violating the established order of organizing or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing (st.20.2 h .1 of the Administrative Code of RF).

According to the police ATC Khimki, Alexander Pakhotin July 28, 2010 participated in a "holding processions and picketing Administration g.o.Himki MO without notifying local authorities.
Alexander Pakhotin the indictment did not agree.He argues that the driving evening of July 28, Khimki, on the concert, which learned from the Internet, and on the planned protest did not know. Throughout the campaign, he remained an observer: including, it is not shouting slogans, carrying banners and not not handing out leaflets. Indications Pakhotin for questioning as a witness in a criminal case against Maxim and Alexei Solopova Gaskarova were compiled by the investigator.He signed them to Alexander after his head was banged on the table, kicked and promised to cut off his ear.
Furthermore, culpable Pakhotin part 1 of article 20.2 of the Administrative Code requires the participation of Russia in the organization of the event, and a verbal description of the action Pakhotin in the record suggests that he participated in the conduct of processions and picketing "- this is part 2 of article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offences. Alexander intends to request the court exclude the contradictory reports from the case.
Alyaksandr Pakhotin was arrested Aug. 21 near the platform of the Rest "(Zhukovsky city) together with 70 other visitors a charity concert.Police suspect Pakhotin involvement in "acts of hooliganism and assault" on the administration of Khimki and taken to the police department Khimki. In ATC Alexander spent almost two days, he was beaten and required to testify in a criminal case against Maxim and Alexei Solopova Gaskarova. August 23 Judge Olga Zabachinskaya Pakhotin sentenced to 700 rubles a fine for allegedly eve of hooliganism. Consideration of the administrative affairs of Pakhotin participation in an unsanctioned event "on July 28 was postponed to August 31.
Alexander Pakhotin sent a complaint against the police officers in the Attorney General's Office, Public Prosecutor of Moscow and the Movement "For Human Rights".
Additional Information: tel.8-915-053-59-12, ,

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