Anarchist total objector Topi Lauko began his prison sentence 18th of
December in a low-security prison. He was transferred to a half-way house, maintained by Siltavalmennus NGO, in second half of February. Although in half-way house the conditions of detention are not harsh, he would still be happy to correspond with comrades around the world. He will be finally released 24th of April 2013.
Topi Louko
Vehnämyllynkatu 4
33560 Tampere Finland
Each year few dozen people are sentenced in Finland for refusal to serve in both army and civil service. Among them - pacifists and anarchists, but also apolitical people who were imprisoned for their unwillingness to serve (army service in Finland is 6-12 months, alternative service is 12 months). Standard term of imprisonment is 179, but those who have served their duty partly are sentenced to shorter prison terms. Lately prison sentences are often replaced with home arrest under electronic surveillance (with tethers).
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