Avtonom #27 English summary - Special issue against summit of G8 in St. Petersburg 15-17th of July 2006

Avtonom is a pseudo-quarterly journal by of Autonomous Action, which developed from a network to a libertarian communist federation January 2002, after two years of existence. Currently Autonomous Action has local groups in 8 cities of Russia and Belarus, and supporters and friends in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. It was not planned intent in the beginning, but eventually both issue 26, and the G8 special issue 27 were out of print in July. Issue 26 is a theme issue on homophobia, it was inspired from heated discussion inside our movement on question how much we should support banned Moscow pride '06, which was attempted to be organised in last May, and how much we should support LGBT movement in general. It is very difficult to get foreign radical press and texts in Russia, so we are interested to expand our mailing list - if you know people who would be interested to read our materials, please contact them for us!
Currently German correspondence is done by Nizhniy Novgorod section, Italian and Spanish by our members in Tyumen and all other languages in in Moscow -
please send press with respective languages to cities dealing with respective correspondence. In another hand, mailing out is so expensive that
we would like to post our papers only to people who understand what is written in them...

Relevant addresses are the following:

(Do not write names of the group to envelopes, please! Never publish
or distribute our addresses without this note!)

Autonomous Action of Moscow and editorial collective of Avtonom
P. O. Box 13
109028 Moscow Russia
adm AT avtonom DOT org
avtonom AAT avtonom dt org

Autonomous Action of Nizhni Novgorod (German correspondence)
P. O. Box 25
603104 Nizhni Novgorod Russia
ad_nn AATT mail DUT ru

Tyumen (Spanish and Italian correspondence)
P.O. Box 4481
625001 Tyumen Russia
roustam_f IN hotmail dot com

Our federal site is

Our paper costs 35 rubles or one $/euro, ground mail abroad is
additional 2 $/euros. Before ordering our paper, check out if some our
international distributors close to you have copies left. If you want to
join this list, you are welcome!

P.O. Box 1
1199 Sofia
fab AAT a-bg DDoTT org


PL 60 00531 Helsinki
tasajako ATT anarkismi ddt net

Infoshop Teror 13
directa AAT freemail dot com dot mk

Het Fort van Sjakoo
Jodenbreestraat 24 1011 NK Amsterdam
info AAAT sjakoo DOT nl

Infoszop ul. Targowa 22 Warszawa Poland

Avtonom #27 (Special issue against summit of G8 in St. Petersburg
15-17th of July 2006)

English summary

Page 2: Reclaim the city - reclaim the planet! And platform of the
Network Against G8.

Page 3: Theory and practice of resistance against G8 by German BuKo
group (available online in English at


Page 10: A letter from inside Black Bloc by Mary Black. Available
online in English at http://www.alternet.org/story/11230/

Page 14: Another alternative is possible - resist the rule of
transnational non-governmental organizations! Critic of Attac and Porto

Page 20: European Social Forum in Greece - impressions of an anarchist
by Vyacheslav Danilov of Siberian Confederation of Labor. Available online
in English at http://www.avtonom.org/index.php?nid=193

Page 22: Our death is your disgrace! Action of FrontAIDS in red square
of Moscow 27th of April.

Page 24: USA: Bush Delivers Emergency AIDS Relief to Republican Allies
by John Tarleton. Available online in English at

Page 25: HIV activist action in UN headquarters.

Page 26: A nuclear renaissance 20 let after Chernobyl?

Page 26: Reclaim the Commons exposes 'nuclear agenda' behind the 2006
G8 Summit's leaked draft "Communique on Energy Security". Available online
in English at http://rtc.revolt.org/node/353

Page 28: Russia is a pipe then? Pavel Sentyabrski writes about new
state ideology of Russia.

Page 29: Action in Red Square against nuclear power.

Page 30: Call to global day of action against climate change in 30th
of July 2006

Page 31: Chernobyl accidents still kills after 20 years.

Page 32: Anarchist Mardi gras against G8 in Moscow, anti-nuclear
meeting in Berezniki of Perm region, anti-nuclear action in Germany 1st of
June, Russia attempts to create a global nuclear dump in Siberia.

Page 34: University - a qualification stock exchange? Attempts to
privatize education in Russia.

Page 37: Knowledge is not for sale! Action against privatization of
education in Moscow.

Page 37: Why USA attacked Iraq?

Page 40: Calendar of actions against G8.

Author columns

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