The support team of the arrested guys in the «Tyumen case» is launching a Festival of solidarity with political prisoners on the occasion of the anniversary of the arrest of our comrades. The festival will be held from August 15 to September 15, 2023.
Almost a year ago, on August 30 - September 1st, 2022, six anti-fascists were arrested in three Russian cities: Tyumen, Yekaterinburg and Surgut. They were charged with «organizing and participating in a terrorist community». All six guys were horribly tortured and forced to sign statements written by the investigator.
The Solidarity Festival is created to support all those who have been and are being repressed today, all those who lives in Russia.
Support Team ask independent platforms around the world, media workers, human rights activists, bloggers, influencers, the art community and all caring people to take part in Solidarity events! You can support us by spreading this information around the word about the Festival, and you can also organize or participate in your offline – and online – events at home and abroad, for example:
- stream / podcast
- auction
- tattoo convention
- jam session
- book exchange
- market for donations
- postcard making master class
- evening of letters for prisoners
- lecture
- film screening
- art therapy
- art evening / master class / DIY
- poetry evening
- punk flea market
- concert, etc.
An application for participation must be sent to the feedback bot - Telegram (@tumenskoe_delo_connection_bot). Please, indicate the date and place of the event (for security, you can update this information immediately before the event or come up with a safe way to get an address for those who are in Russia), and also tell us about the format of event and conception.
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