Avtonom #26 English Summary. Theme of the issue: Homophobia. Winter-spring 2006


Page 2: Elections in Belarus - failure of the opposition and hopes of
anarchists. Our comrades from Minsk analyze popular protests after
fraudulent re-election of Lukashenko, and anarchist participation.
Page 6: Second deserter festival in Moscow, deserter day (23rd of
February) in Irkutsk, taxi driver strike in Omsk.

Page 7: Successful protest campaign against oil pipeline route on lake
Baikal rim.

Page 8: Anarcho-ecologists occupy parliamentarian building in Perm,
animal-rights action against animal breeder in Moscow suburb of Puschino

Page 9: "Boulevard of Timur Kacharava" - anti-fascist action to
commemorate our fallen comrade in Italy.

Page 10: Commemorating Timur

Page 11: Commemorating Sasha Ryuhin, another comrade of us killed by
nazis. New tactics of Zapatistas, street blockades in Izhevsk.

Page 12: Anti-fascist march in Moscow in December 2005

Page 13: Moscow Pride '06 - "thermometer of democracy"

Page 31: French Halloween or late autumn of neoliberal project.
Comrade Gonsapo analyzes suburban uprising in autumn of 2005 in France.

Page 34: Getting rid of all of you! Action by Anarcho-Ecological
Resistance of Perm during inauguration of Perm region governor Oleg
Chirkunov. Written by Kseniya Demakova.

Page 35: Fifth column in action - how Andrei Isaev infiltrated the
system and is rotting it from inside.

Page 36: Passions of Khodorkovsky: liberalism with a human face.
Polina Eliseyevna writes how one needs and oligarch in prison to have
liberal press concerned about prison conditions in Russia.

Page 27: Squat the world! Short history of squats Klizma and Gallery
in St. Petersburg 2003-2005.

Theme of the issue - homophobia

Page 14: Thoughts on Moscow Pride by S2W. This article summarizes big
ado around gay pride in Russian society and looks to reasons of the ban, it
criticizes both liberal biases of the LGBT movement and anarchists failing
to support it. English translation of this article is online in

Page 17: Revolutionary subject on post-modern condition. This article
refutes claim of those who claims that in current situation one struggle
against authority (worker's struggle, anti-fascism) etc. may be more
fundamental than another (eg. Struggle against homophobia). It also analyzes
why Russian far-right puts so much resources for flaring up homophobia.

Page 19: Middle gender. Article from perspective of a transgender person.

Page 21: Where Achtung is ruling? A take on homophobia of popular
Russian portal udaff.com

Page 22: Homosexuality in liberalism - freedom or exploitation.
Article on faulty of attempts to unite LGBT community over class lines and
of appeal to "western democratic ideals", by I. Yasin of Socialist
Resistance. Never before we have published an article by a trotskist in
Avtonom, but if you put up an argument ad hominem you are an authoritarian yourself.

Page 27: Homophobia in Russia. Fragments from a sociological research by I.S. Kon.


Page 29: Hero of Russia - psychoanalyzing a patriot. Pavel Sentyabrski
writes on countless contradictions in patriotic worldview.


Page 33: Ghosts of the factory. A colon by Gibel

Page 39: On naturalist roots of anarcho-punk. Article on early
anarcho-nudists in the first part of the 20th century.

Page 44: Brutality as it is. Inspired by Postal, GTA and Krovostok.

History of libertarian resistance

Page 40: Dmitrov: a long return of the proletariat. History of house
of Kropotkin in village of Dmitrov, and new project to set up a museum


Page 44: Counter-attack - irrational in service of the revolution.
Article on surrealist movement

Anarchist Black Cross

Page 47: Green scare in USA.

Mother of order # 11 - anarcho-feminist bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 49: A media-feminist manifesto

Page 50: Straight walk to freedom on stomped on mimosas -
anarcho-feminist actions in Moscow and Krasnodar 8th of March.

Kind fists - skinhead bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 52: Our series of practical advice for the streets continues. In
last issue we gave advice of first aid against stab wounds, in this issue
some legal advice for case you self accidentally happened to stab someone.

Page 55: Life of famous people: hat-trick of Harry Roberts.

Radical lazybones #9 - paper version of http://www.antijob.tk,
Network of Workplace Resistance

Page 56: Network of Workplace Resistance - report of latest
activities, solidarity actions with workers of ROEL-consulting, Ramenskiy
Konditer, and railway workers from Velikie Luki. Solidarity actions for
anarchist repressed in Irkutsk Aluminum Factory in Sual, holding which owns
the factory. Actions against bad working conditions of the Ashan supermarket

Page 56: Anarchy in the office - a nightmare of a boss. What
anarchists may learn from article in journal "Rabota I Zarplata" (Work and
Salary) on how to repress rebellion in a workplace.

Page 57: Direct action shopping, or should one work in a supermarket?
Report from a conference, where managers of supermarkets discussed a problem
of shoplifting.

Page 58: A guide for a revenge against the boss. What to do in case
you know you will be laid out soon, and there is nothing to loose.

Other Culture

Page 59: Begin from DIY (or naked physics). Interview with Marina
Potapova, script writer of independent film "Dust" which was presented in
Moscow movie festival 2005.

Page 62: Movie and music reviews: Team America: World police, Prawo
Do Jazdy, Proverochnaya lineyka, Konfuzz, Vyshka, Jiheart, Set My Path/Devil
Shoots Devil, Pelevin (in page 67)

Page 64: Billboard liberation front. Continuation from the previous

Page 66: Culture Jamming and Urban guerilla in times of pop culture.

From www.3fala.art.pl

Author columns

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