October 11, the city court of Baranovichi, Belarus, sentenced Russian anarchist Pyotr Ryabov. Petr, an anarchist philosopher and a lecturer of the department of Philosophy in the Moscow State Pedagogical University was sentenced to 6 days of prison for "minor hooliganism" and "distribution of extremist materials" (statutes 17.1 and 17.11 of the Codex of misdemeanors of Belarus). The court has declared the Belarusian anarchist journal "Svoboda ili Smert issue 6" (published in 2007) an extremist material. However, these were trumped up charges: the real reason of the arrest was the lecture on anarchist movement. Ryabov came to Baranovichi to give this lecture.
Ryabov was arrested on his way back to Moscow at the Baranovichi train station. He was supposed to give a talk at another event in Moscow.
After the sentence, Ryabor declared a hungerstrike.
Information provided by Pramen anarchist group
stay strong and defient , you
stay strong and defient , you're not alone , and right !
morons , are of all times and
morons , are of all times and all places , but so are we !