Alexei Gaskarova extended detention
Submitted by Редакция on 27 September, 2010 - 15:43
Antifascists Alexei Gaskarova extended detention in jail for two months, told Newsweek correspondent for Kommersant. The process was open, but the court chose a small room, so the inside could get only one journalist and mother of Alexis Gaskarova.
The defender told the judge Gaskarova Svetlana Galanova that for all time of his arrest the suspect called only three times. He also noted that in recent months, no investigation of the case is not available, despite the fact that had been interviewed more than 100 people.Therefore, there is no need for further detention Gaskarova.
He also noted that in favor of Alexei Gaskarova were three State Duma deputy and three public figures - is the first in his law practice.
Gaskarov said he pleaded not guilty, and in Khimki at the time of events was as a correspondent for "ICD". He asked the judge to release him from prison, as the approaching cold.
Investigation to justify their request for further detention Gaskarova that Gaskarov acted in a group of unidentified persons, it can not be let out of jail, Thurs because it might hinder further investigation of the incident.
The trial of Maxim Solopova will be held tomorrow.
Recall that Alexey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova accused of hooliganism in the attack on the administration building of the city of Khimki July 28, 2010. Activists charged with the second part of "hooliganism", which provides authorization for up to seven years imprisonment. Now both are in the activist currently FBU FROM 77/10 in Mozhaisk. In defense of prisoners unfolded public campaign.September 17 to 20 have been declared days of international action - protests were held around the world, affecting even the United States. The protest was held in Moscow on 19 September and attracted 300 people.
July 27 a crowd of 300 anti-fascists and anarchists attacked the administration building, pelted him with stones, bottles, activists smashed windows and painted the walls of appeals in defense of Khimki forests. The police managed to detain anyone not in hot pursuit. After some time, law enforcement authorities arrested Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova.According to anti-fascists and anarchists, security forces seized "those who knew those who usually spoke on behalf of the antifascist movement in Moscow."