Khimki timber sold under the hammer
Submitted by Редакция on 7 April, 2011 - 21:05
While the Ministry is circulating false promises to compensate for cutting Khimki Forest 700 hectares of plantations, land along the future highway Moscow - St. Petersburg are already sold out. The site of "Khimki-Land" appeared for sale in areas along the projected Khimki forest trails. Vendors promise to themselves "all cut" under construction and resolve problems with local residents. Meanwhile, defenders of Khimki forest planning a new international campaign of protest and began an international petition against the construction of the road.
Anyone familiar with the terrain, it is clear that we are talking about selling the site Khimki forest, including part of the grove, directly over the spring St.George, from Starbeevskogo highway. The purpose of the sale - placing social and business facilities - clearly involves felling of trees, including oaks older than 100 years. Spring St. George is caught between the new highway and the planned "social and business facilities.
An example of this, unfortunately, not unique.On the same site you can find more ambitious plan to seize land near the future highway.
Location close to the projected highway served as a key competitive advantage of these sites. It is obvious that in the future "sales" will only increase. According to witnesses, recording the status of land in the Khimki district rife with corrections and erasures.
Thus, the word lobbyist project on limiting deforestation 100 hectares are exactly the same lie as promises 700-hectare compensation.In fact, laying tracks through the forest would not make any sense without the involvement of adjacent forest lands in the "commercialization". As noted in the Independent Ecological Expertise , "the only way in which the new road may be" effectively "is used - the final optimization of a local traffic, coupled with enhanced commercial development of adjacent forest lands. There is reason (as reflected in the official plans of territorial development of Moscow region) suggest that this is the use of the highway and it was initially planned, because the territory Khimki forest referred to as "zones of concentration of urban activity".
In this regard, advocates of Khimki Forest urge all not to believe the false promises and join the international campaign to protect forests.In April, plans a series of nationwide and international actions to protect forests and to the participation in the construction of the route of "Vinci".The activists have launched an international petition . During the first week of the petition, which will be spent in administration, "Vinci", the French government and the UN, signed about two and a half thousand people.
Additional information and a video call, Eugenia Chirikova with a representative of the company, sold parts of the forest:
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