Resistance committee announced death of anarchist Sergey Petrovichev, also known with names "Rubin" and "Vasili Volgin". Sergey was Russian who fought for Ukrainian people. In Russia he participated in "Volnitsa" organisation, later he embraced libertarian views. Since 2014 Sergey has lived in Ukraine. He was taking part in armed resistance against Putinist aggression. In 2015 he lost his leg after stepping on mine.
Last years "Rubin" has participated in Anarchist actions in Kiev.
After the new stage of Putinist aggression has started Sergey took arms again. He has maintained contact with several anarchists and helped them.
We mourn the martyrdom of our comrade, who gave his life for freedom of all peoples. With the memory of Sergey in our hearts we will continue fight against the Empire.
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