In China, there have been several suicides among employees Foxconn

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In China, there have been several suicides among employees
Foxconn. 12 workers aged 18 to 24 years committed suicide right
for machines tayvankogo company Foxconn in Shenzhen, Northern

Foxconn - a key supplier for many leading brands of the world
electronics. In the list of his clients had been on the famous Apple.
International brands consistently lower prices and demand, as well as cutting back
delivery time is ordered businesses.To save
contracts, Foxconn reduces the maximum value, remaining so
way competitive. Poniaenie profits reflected in
First of all, the salaries of workers. As a result, the workers inevitably
suffer. Analyzing this vicious circle of exploitation, we must
understand the following. While Foxconn has a fundamental
responsible for the operation of the workers, global brands like Apple
to the same extent to blame for this deadly race for profits.

The host company, Taiwanese billionaire sees the cause of suicide
in social problems in China.He refused to acknowledge that excessive
overtime shifts or disciplinary requirements of the company have
related to the causes of suicide. Foxconn sucked into this business Psychiatrists
and Buddhist monks, but refused to change any whatsoever
working conditions, the underlying problem.

Nine scientists from mainland China and Hong Kong made
an open statement which called for justice for
young migrant workers and trade unions.Non
organizations held protests in support of workers in Foxconn
Hong Kong and Taiwan.

China: Workers awake

If you watched the news from China lately, you probably
heard about the big blow to Honda, that resulted in the
higher salaries, and about how international pressure helped
electronics giant Foxconn razko raise wages to their employees.
http: / / ...

Chinese workers rise as never before, seeking to improve
wages and better working conditions, as well as fighting for the right
have free and independent trade unions.

Full information on LabourStart ...
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