Disturbances lecture series 2nd of November: Direct democracy as an alternative to student council elections
In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor
Vegan food served 4 PM, Lecture 4:30 PM.
A discussion on anarchist alternatives to representative democracy within the Student Body* and the University
Historically, student self-government has revolved around the erasing of the power of the individual student and replacing it with a bureaucracy which is ever more distant from their reality.
Student council is the latest innovation in limiting the powers of the average student. However, replacing representation with direct democracy within the Student Body would be easily achieved by developing the two methods of direct democracy which are already included in Student Body constitutions, that is, a general referendum and general assembly.
Introductions by a representative of the Quebec student movement via skype, speaking on the direct democracy practices of the biggest and most powerful student movement in the Western world, and by a Student Body activist who speaking on how direct democracy could be advanced within the Student Body in practice.
*Student Body in this case refers to the original student governing body established at the University of Helsinki in 1858.
Event in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/857882850912256/ _____________________________________ Disturbances is an open series of lectures and discussions at the crossroads of society, philosophy, history, economy and resistance. We are already aware that we can not live as before, but we do not know what the future holds. Others are stuck in the past, but we only want to understand it. Even a small disturbance of an initial condition can lead a system into a completely different state. Our speakers are Finnish and international anti authoritarian researchers and activists. Events are organized in cooperation with A-ryhmä and AutOp, two student groups of the University of Helsinki. You may also follow lecture online (both real-time and recording) at http://bambuser.com/channel/A-ryhma. Our program is created by the participants themselves, if you want to join or simply get in contact, write to: a-ryhma@riseup.net. a-ryhma.org Children are welcome to any events of A-ryhmä by default! We have now also a separate room from 4:30 to 7 PM in case children get tired of lecture. Follow our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/aryhma) or group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472074276345164) in case you want to keep updated on future activities!
Event in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/857882850912256/ _____________________________________ Disturbances is an open series of lectures and discussions at the crossroads of society, philosophy, history, economy and resistance. We are already aware that we can not live as before, but we do not know what the future holds. Others are stuck in the past, but we only want to understand it. Even a small disturbance of an initial condition can lead a system into a completely different state. Our speakers are Finnish and international anti authoritarian researchers and activists. Events are organized in cooperation with A-ryhmä and AutOp, two student groups of the University of Helsinki. You may also follow lecture online (both real-time and recording) at http://bambuser.com/channel/A-ryhma. Our program is created by the participants themselves, if you want to join or simply get in contact, write to: a-ryhma@riseup.net. a-ryhma.org Children are welcome to any events of A-ryhmä by default! We have now also a separate room from 4:30 to 7 PM in case children get tired of lecture. Follow our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/aryhma) or group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472074276345164) in case you want to keep updated on future activities!
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