Andrei Mergenyov is imprisoned in Saratov after a fight with a Nazi in June 2007. Recently we received a following letter from him, and we translated it just to remind you about one of the less known Russian anti-fascist prisoners.
Address of Andrey (note that this is a new address!):
Andrey Mergenyov
Saratovskaya oblast G. Engels,
3 otryad 413116
You may also write address in cyrillic:
Мергеневу А.К.
Саратовская обл, г Энгельс, ФБУ ИК-13, 3 отряд, 413116
Hi this is Taiwan writing. I have 11 more months to do, not too much. I have already done 2 years and 7 months, and I feel like only yesterday I was running after Nazis with a bottle of beer in my hand. I have received plenty of letters - from Moscow, Ufa, Petrozhavodsk, Minsk and Vladivostok, I even got two letters from London. I am working at prisoner's club, playing bass guitar, from time to time we perform to other prisoners. I am doing sports and qualified for a new profession of a painter, now I am studying to become a crane operator of bridge cranes. Friends and family are visiting me. Thanks for writing me, I would be happy to receive another letter from you, I will answer for sure.
Taiwan 11th of January 2010
Also, Aleksey Bychin, who is doing five year sentence for a fight with a Nazi who was a police officer off-duty, was recently moved to another subsection in his colony. Please fix his address, as letters sent to right subsection will make it to him faster - new address is
FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12
ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98
g. Solikamsk Permskiy Kray
618545 Russia
More info about case of Aleksey
And at last, a bit of a good news - Yura Mishutkin, who killed a Nazi in self defence in Vladivostok in November of 2008, was handed a new sentence 4th of March, after relatives of Nazi made an appeal against his previous probational sentence. New sentence is 1.5 years probational sentence and around 1.5 million roubles (50 000 USD) of compensations for the relatives. This is more harsh than the previous sentence, but still it is great news that Yura does not have to go to jail.
ABC Moscow
abc-msk AT riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia
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