The newspaper Kommersant was subprojects

Police yesterday sought to make "b" to reveal the source of information about the July attack on the administration of the city of Khimki, which violates the law on mass media. Law enforcement officials had intended to get e-mail one of the participants of this action, which gave an anonymous interview to Kommersant. The editors refused, suggesting Moscow region police officers to obtain a court decision. Yesterday, in a criminal case of an attack on the administration building was questioned by a correspondent of Kommersant, Alexander Chernykh.
<Br /> On Friday, the editor of Kommersant visited by police department in the Moscow region, who wished to receive e-mail address, which was held communication correspondent Oleg Kashin with an unknown person, who led a column of anarchists and activists "antifa" at the massacre of the building administration of city district Khimki. This is an interview published on August 4. Interestingly, in his request for police department refers not to publish a "b", and to reproduce, which appeared on the site anarchists "on Aug. 4 at 10 hours and 53 minutes.

"The requirement to issue a postal address, we believe a violation of Art. 41 of the Act on the media - said the head of legal services" b "Georgi Ivanov .- The law obliges us to keep secret the source of information, so we can not give law enforcement the person who insisted on anonymity," . According to the lawyer, the newspaper is ready to be called e-mail this person at the request of the court. In this case Mr Ivanov's surprising that the query refers to the police department website anarchists: "the police could not find the original publication on the site" b ", they are probably more often read the site anarchists."

"Everyone is entitled to their 15 minutes of power"
From the editors of Kommersant contacted by e-mail hiding from law enforcement organizer of the pogrom administration Khimki. >
We recall that on 28 July over 500 people pelted stones at Khimki administration building and smoke bombs to protest against the felling of forests and Khimki police inaction during the numerous attacks on environmentalists (Kommersant reported this July 30).Internal Affairs Department of the Moscow region opened a criminal case under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code ("Hooliganism"), after which they began a very strange methods of interrogating journalists present at the incident.

Thus, the site editor Vitali Shushkevich's birthday was taken to the police station by bus of riot police, who detained the same time and his guests ("Kommersant" reported the August 2). On Monday, investigators seized photographs from the protest at the offices of Kommersant, and then came the night to the employee "" Gregory Tumanov (recall that the law prohibits conduct interrogations after 22.00).At this point the police had interrogated about a dozen journalists, with the head of information department of the Internal Affairs Mosoblasti Yevgeny Gildeyev acknowledged "excesses on the ground."

According to the chief-editor of Internet publishing, Internet expert Anton Nosik, e-mail suspect little will help the investigation. "If the e-mail is registered on or Yandex, a militia of you go to their offices - says Mr. Nosik .- Employees of agencies require their IP-address to locate the user, or even asked to open mail, and yursluzhby companies carry them to the court for sanctions. "Foreign same providers, according to him, as part of an investigation can give information about six months of active correspondence, but this issue is regulated by the legislation of their countries. "Theoretically, the police or intelligence agencies can crack the mailbox in the zone" ru ", having spent some time - told Kommersant CEO processing company Chronopay Paul Rublevsky .- But if e-mail is registered in the foreign, secure portal, everything here depends on the password.Crack an account with a strong password - this is something of fantasy. "

Friday morning, the interrogation was visited by a correspondent of Kommersant, Alexander Chernykh, watching the action from the administration building. "I got the impression that the police simply did not read my report, they could find in it answers to all questions", - said the journalist.

"The police did not think of any sanctions, hoping to get information by force, - commented on the investigation of the Glasnost Defense Foundation head Alexei Simonov .- This interest militia to journalists - an unfortunate pressure on witnesses."The head of the Russian Journalists Union Vsevolod Bogdanov added that "the Interior Ministry transcends all accepted norms."

Ivan Tyazhlov

(Source: )

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