
On February 11, IR-26 Volgograd 600 prisoners went on hunger strike in solidarity with the North Caucasian republics.

The reason for the strike served as a regular "preventive" raid, which occurred in the colony on the same day. In the barracks, where about 30 are serving sentences of convicts, accompanied by chief of security of the colony Vitaly Kursenkova and another officer - Sergei Pogorelov dropped special forces wearing masks.

How to eyewitnesses, "commandos began beating prisoners, then they brought them out of the barracks and began to turn everything upside down."In itself, an event nobody could surprise. However, when the riot police began to throw off the floor ostentatiously religious literature and to trample the Koran, prisoners did not survive. Became indignant at what they said, Vitaly Kursenkov replied: "It's special operations, and without such phenomena can not do it."

After the special operation had been completed, the barracks, according to prisoners, the prison came to Lt. Col. Andrei Kozlovsky. On the resentment of people beaten up and clarify the requirements of the Special Forces, Andrei Mikhailovich paid no attention.

After this condemnation of the North Caucasian republics have declared a hunger strike.In solidarity they were joined by three barracks, which contains about 600 prisoners from all over Russia. Convicted argue that if such cases do not stop, they are massively vskroyut their veins.

"Training" Special Forces raided a prison in the Russian colonies - not news. This specific method of operation of our prison system - to beat for prevention.However, the new leadership of the FSIN of Russia, in contrast to the previous, recognized the existence of this problem. And even argued that this practice would be stopped at its root.

Taken from:

FSIN someone else believes? We - no!

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