On freedom of procession and of respecting the laws in Ukrainian

The fact that in Sevastopol on May 1 in the International Day of Solidarity of Workers state police blocked the path of a column anarchists we have already written here .
After this arbitrary rule, we have to the prosecutor's complaint was filed against "the illegal actions of police officers. it outlined all the facts point to illegal actions of law enforcement for action to create obstacles to the march of our columns, as well as on the unlawful refusal to provide information regarding the May Day march.Having said all these facts, documented them to confirm, we require to identify the guilty and remove them from their posts and to initiate a criminal case under Art. 340. Criminal Code of Ukraine: the unlawful obstruction of the organization or holding meetings, rallies, street processions and demonstrations.

A month later, after filing a complaint, dignitaries from the prosecutor deigned simply unsubscribe without specifying nor any specific action that they take.

Here we place a Russian translation of the official response to the original text:

Your application for the actions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine inSevastopol to provide obstacles to the passage of a group of people 01.05.10 May Day holiday on street demonstrations. Lenin Square in the city of Sevastopol Nakhimov considered.
As indicated in the facts alleged in-service inspection. It was found that protection of public order during the celebration of May 1 were involved law enforcement officers as Leninsky district department and other areas as well as workers in other units, namely OGAI, OGSO, BPS, according to the plan for these activities.
The results of testing revealed that the planned celebratory demonstration took place without impeding traffic, and without violating the rights and freedoms of other citizens, except for a select group of persons who were walking on the street.Lenin Square Nakhimova closed completely or partially by persons expressing contempt for the society or other good faith.
During the stop of this particular group, expressing contempt against members of the militia, which prevented their further movement of documents (resolution) on passage in the demonstration of their faces to the police was not provided.
The review of the actions of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Lenin inSevastopol and other subdivisions of the Interior, which will ensure protection of public order, public safety and traffic during a demonstration of violations of existing legislation has not been established.
Grounds for criminal prosecution and the prosecutor to make the documents do not indicate.
If you disagree with the answer, you have the right to appeal against his higher-ranking prosecutor in the order of Art.12 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prosecutor's Office or a court order in art. 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On the treatment of citizens."

In spite of this runaround, and after consulting with human rights defenders, we intend to continue to defend theirlaw, in particular, intend to sue both the response itself, and the inaction of prosecutors.

Source: BP-Crimea (ad-crimea.livejournal.com)

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