We, a group of Moscow anarchists in the early morning on October 1 blocked with burning tires Minsk highway between Odintsovo and Krasnoznamensk in protest against the persecution of fighters for freedom and justice of the fascist regime of Lukashenko.
With a symbolic act on the road linking Moscow and Minsk, we want to draw attention to the Russian public on the important issue, which is covered. Right now the capital of the Republic of Belarus in prison languishing good and honest people - Niikolay Dzyadok Alexander Frantskevich and Igor Truhanovich. All of them - the anarchists - the fighters for freedom, equality and justice and against dictatorships in Belarus and worldwide.They are accused of burning police stations and the Russian embassy (which was set on fire on August 30 in solidarity with the defenders of Khimki Moscow region forests, are now exposed to predatory harvesting, with the consent of the authorities). This radical challenge to the Belarusian and Russian oppressors served as a pretext for mass arrests, threats and beatings of social activists. In fact - the main reason for the arrest of our comrades from Minsk are their beliefs and active lifestyle - now they face major prison time. In total, through the hands of the KGB and the police took dozens of people - one of the detainees, Tatiana Seminischevu, the scoundrels in uniform drove up to the fact that she cutted her veins - it was a miracle that this did not resulted a serious harm. People get just released after several days in a prison cell without charges, since there may not be any evidence against an innocent person, "result" did not have. A similar fate awaited many others - in this momentin the dungeons are only three guys whose names are mentioned above - they Lukashenka and his henchmen, apparently set out to avenge all his impotent anger and vile.
We call upon all honest and caring people in Russia and around the world: Help people in distress! You feasible means of protest to the Belarusian authorities and their representatives in Russia: the embassies, consulates, Belarusbank, do not buy Belarusian goods, tell us about the situation, family and friends - do not let the people rot in jail in silence - act in any manner to which you have enough imagination ! Make a contribution.
You can also write and send a letter of support to those arrested: now he, more than ever, we need the kind words, a sense of shoulder solidarity.
Video from the action:
http: / / rutube.ru/tracks/3639765.html? v = 52bbfba5fb20dc90192f0d008b4abd03