Action in support of HIV-infected ended detention!
About ten people have launched on Monday morning (two days before the 1 December - International Day Against HIV and AIDS) in the Constitutional Court building 30-meter black banner with the words "Half of the treatment - half the laws." It was under this slogan for this fall was more than ten shares in different cities of Russia. Their members believe that they are not required to seek coordination of events at the state, which effectively deprives them of the right to life.
- Due to the ineptly organized work, and perhaps even corruption, the Ministry of Health can not provide all HIV-infected people needed treatment, - said Alexander Volgin, director of the NGO "candle", an HIV-positive.
- According to independent doctors, the Russian Federation about 120,000 people need treatment receive it as no more than 70 thousand. That is, those who are already undergoing, will be able to continue as new patients are denied.
The lower threshold below which you want to start treatment - 350 immune cells per ml of blood (in a healthy person to 1000); now, according to Volgina, back home can send a patient with 180 cells per ml, which is life threatening.Also, instead of three drugs, which must be taken at the same time, patients can appoint two or even one - it leads to mutation of the virus and the onset of the resistance to antiretroviral therapy. Now, according to community members in St. Petersburg there is no drug "AZT" in Moscow - "Combivir".
Participants of the rally, in addition to the flag with the slogan, holding several crosses with the names and the names of people who died in 2010 due to lack of treatment.About 20 minutes after the start of the protesters were detained by police. Of the COP no one came, moreover, security locked his front door.
As stated by Alexander Volgin, despite mass protests, many letters and appeals courts and even the medical spetstsentrami, Ministry of Health continues to assure that the situation with the treatment of HIV - were normal.
- No conclusions they did not, continue to claim that "we believe" that we die.This means that next year our situation becomes even worse - and we will continue the protests - said the activist.
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