Emory Douglas will participate in the exhibition "Art Against Nazism" in the Moscow subway

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Classic political graphic art of the twentieth century, the famous American artist Emory Douglas - Minister of Culture leftist party "Black Panther" (1967-1980), a permanent illustrator weekly party newspaper of the same name to take part in a graphic marathon, which initiated the Committee on 19 January.Emory Douglas joined the art history as an uncompromising left activist who fought for the rights of African Americans in the United States. In the 2000s in major American museums were held retrospective exhibitions of living classic. Participation in the exhibition "Art against Nazism will first show of the artist in Russia. Douglas has officially confirmed their participation and gave the organizers of the action - the Committee on January 19 - The right to reprint his famous poster in 1969, "African-American solidarity with the oppressed peoples of the world."

The exhibition was well attended by internationally renowned artists, who provided the Committee with their work in the genre of street art (street art) in the form of stickers and posters with a clear anti-fascist sense.

Stickers and posters will appear in cars, in the transitions and on the balustrades of the Moscow metro escalator up to the January 19, 2011.The purpose of this exhibition - to express solidarity with the artists of the internationalist anti-fascist agenda of the Committee on 19 January, an urgent need to combat neo-Nazism here and now.Thus, the Committee hopes that the appearance of the subway these works provoke the activity of people is not involved in any initiative.

Work exhibitors will be available in open access on the Internet on the official website of the Committee for download and distribution, artists and activists will be invited to join the action, create and distribute their own works antifascistelectric nature of a call to come to the demonstration on Jan. 19, 2011.

Committee on January 19 hopes that the exhibition will help to put the inhabitants of Moscow on a peaceful march against the Nazi terror, and that the shares will be attended by other Russian cities.

At this time his participation in the exhibition confirmed the following authors:

Affinity Group (Russia)

ETC (Argentina)

Societe Realiste (France)

Rossella Biscotti (Italy, The Netherlands)

Baby Badalov (Azerbaijan, the United States, Britain, France)

Alexander Galkin (Russia)

Zampa di Leone (Serbia)

Rigo 23 (Madeira, USA)

Nikolai Oleynik (Russia)

Darinka Pop-Mitic (Serbia)

Nikita Kadan, a group of REP(Ukraine)

Ivan Brazhkin (Russia)

David Ter-Oganyan (Russia)

The Committee encourages artists, activists, and all indifferent to participate in the creation and dissemination of works on the theme of the struggle against Nazism and go to a march against Nazism January 19, 2011 at 19-00 at the monument TimirEve in the beginning of the Tver parkway.

Additional Information:

Work in jpg format can be sent to the Committee

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