Anarchists at the anti-war rallies November 17th

Anarchists at the Anti-War rallies November 17th

On November 17th, anarchists in several European cities joined (as a separate block) the "Anti-war march" of liberal Russian opposition. We publish the press release of the organizers of the anarchist column in Berlin, as well as photos from Berlin and Oslo.

Today, November 17, 2024, Russian anarchists in exile organized a bloc at the "Anti-War March" announced by the liberal opposition. We used this opportunity to:

  • demonstrate that the Putin regime is opposed not only by liberal forces but also by anarchists,

  • introduce our agenda and present an alternative to the liberal opposition,

  • show solidarity with our comrades fighting and dying on the front lines for the liberation of Ukraine,

  • express solidarity with our comrades in Russian prisons.

Among the slogans on our banners were: "Death to the Empire", "No peace under Russian occupation", "Support resistance against Kremlin", and "Зброю українцям" ("Weapons for Ukrainians").

We reject the liberal myth of a "Beautiful Russia of the Future." The experience of Perestroika has shown that changing the scenery does not bring fundamental changes in the relationship between power and the people. The empire must be destroyed to its foundations, and only then will a different world be possible on the former “Russian” territories.

We find it unacceptable to make concessions to the Russian fascist regime. Ukrainian resistance must be supported until the Russian army is completely expelled from Ukraine. Leaving territories under Russian occupation means condoning the murders, torture, rapes, and plundering of the indigenous population by Russian occupiers.

We consider the support of both military and partisan resistance against the Kremlin legitimate. At this moment, Russian expansion is the greatest evil in the region. A military defeat of Russia offers real chances for the development of social revolutions in Russia and Belarus.

Our comrades are dying on the front lines and sitting in Russian prisons. They have made significant contributions to the fight against Russian imperialism, and we must continue to remind people of their sacrifices.

We cannot name all those who have fallen in the struggle against Russian imperialism, but here are some of their names:

Maxim Naumenko, Olga Volkova, Igor Volokhov, Yuri Samoylenko, Dmitry Petrov, Ruslan Tereshchenko, Marcy, Sergey Ilychenko, Sergey Petrovichev, Roman Legar, Vladislav Yurchenko, Sergey Kemsky.

Our comrades in Russian prisons include:

Viktor Filinkov, Ilya Shakursky, Andrey Chernov, Vasily Kuksov, Alexander Snezhkov, Lyubov Lizunova, Nikita Oleynik, Danil Chertykov, Deniz Aydin, Yuri Neznamov, Roman Paklin, Nikita Uvarov, Azat Miftakhov, Ruslan Ushakov, Alexey Rozhkov, Roman Shvedov, Ruslan Sidiki.

We call on European comrades to join the fight against the fascist Russian regime. For those who claim the need to combat militarism in the current circumstances, we urge you to pay attention to the supply of components to Russia by European companies.

Anarchists at the demo in Berlin:

анархо-блок в Берлине

анархо-блок в Берлине

анархо-блок в Берлине

Anarchists at the rally in Oslo:

анархо-блок в Осло

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