The Court began to consider the case against Roman Nasryev and Alexey Nuriev

On the night of October 11, 2022, fire was set to the administration office of the town of Bakal in Chelyabinsk region with Molotov cocktails. The building housed a military registration office.

On the same day, Roman Nasryev and Alexey Nuriev were detained on suspicion of arson. At first they were accused of "destruction or damage to property", but the FSB took over the case and the charges were reclassified to "terrorist act". Later an article on "training for the purpose of terrorist activity" was added to the charges.

The photo shows Nasryev on the left.

The prosecution alleges that after the announcement of the mobilization, Nasryev and Nuriev entered into a "criminal conspiracy" and began to seek information about the manufacture of Molotov cocktails and the methodology of their use. After that, according to the investigation, the friends made Molotov cocktails and practiced throwing them. That is what the investigation called "training for terrorist activity".

In the part about the arson, which the investigation regarded as a "terrorist act," the prosecution notes that in the room of the military registration and enlistment office, which was the target of the attack, there was a file cabinet for the storage of military registration cards containing information about military residents of Bakal, who were in the reserve of the armed forces and were subject to mobilization. According to the investigation, the actions of Nasryev and Nuriev were aimed at disrupting the mobilization measures carried out by the administration and stopping the "special military operation".

The investigation calls Roman Nasryev and Alexey Nuriev "supporters of radical anarchist ideas," and the prosecution also characterizes them as "having radical views and hatred toward the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, the state and municipal authorities of the Russian Federation, and its population". Of course, the prosecution does not explain this hatred toward Russian authorities. According to the prosecution, apparently, out of the blue they just started hating the authorities.

In response to the question about their attitude toward the charge, Nasryev and Nuriev responded that they partially admitted guilt. They will state their position in detail at the end of the court investigation.

Roman and Alexey are facing from 15 years to life imprisonment. This is the harshest charge to date against those involved in anti-war arson cases.

"Zone of Solidarity" supports Roman Nasryev (Alexei Nureyev declined our support) and continues to follow the trial. Roman is defended by lawyer Andrei Lepyokhin, who cooperates with Solidarity Zone.

The next hearing is scheduled for 17 March.

You can support the prisoners with letters.

Address for letters:
2b Malysheva St., Yekaterinburg, Penal Colony 2, PFRSI, 620019,

Nasryev Roman Raifovich, born in 1995.

Nuriev Alexey Talgatovich, born in 1985.

If there is no postal communication between your country and Russia, you can send messages for Roman and Alexey to us at We will forward them to the prisoners.

How to write a letter to a prisoner if you are not in Russia?


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