19 years for anti-war arson

10th of April, the Central District Military Court in Yekaterinburg sentenced Roman Nasryev and Aleksey Nureyev to 19 years in prison for firebombing an administrative building, where the military registration desk is based. Roman and Aleksey must spend the first 4 years in prison, and the next — in a maximum-security penal colony.

This is the most severe sentence handed down so far for anti-war arson.

Roman and Aleksey received this long term of imprisonment because their actions were defined as a “terrorist act” (Article 205.2 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation) and “undergoing training for the purpose of undertaking terrorist activity” (Article 205.3). The latter Article carries a minimum term of 15 years.

This is the most severe sentence handed down so far for anti-war arson.

Roman and Aleksey received this long term of imprisonment because their actions were defined as a “terrorist act” (Article 205.2 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation) and “undergoing training for the purpose of undertaking terrorist activity” (Article 205.3). The latter Article carries a minimum term of 15 years.

The arson attack that Roman and Aleksei carried out — in reaction to the mlitary mobilisation, and to express their opposition to the invasion of Ukraine — was no more than symbolic. A female security guard was able to put out the fire with a blanket and a few litres of water. There was damage to a window and some linoleum.

In court Roman Nasryev said: “I decided to carry out this action, because I did not agree with the [military] mobilisation, the ‘Special Military Operation’ and the war as a whole. I simply wanted to show, by my actions, that in our city there is opposition to mobilisation and the ‘Special Military Operation’. I wanted in this way to make clear my opposition; I wanted my voice to be heard.”

Solidarity Zone considers that this type of anti-war arson is not terrorism. That definition is politically motivated, and directly linked to the fact that the Russian government has unleashed a war of aggression against Ukraine.

You can support Roman and Alexey with letters!

Address for letters:
620019, Yekaterinburg, Malysheva st., 2b, IK-2, PFRSI, Russian Federation

Nasryev Roman Raifovich, born in 1995

Nuriev Alexey Talgatovich, born in 1985

Solidarity Zone


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