In Omsk, a meeting was held the memory of miners Raspadskaya

In Omsk, June 16 rally memory miners mine Raspadskaya. It has been dated to 40 days after the tragedy, when, after a methane explosion killed about 90 miners. Organized a rally Omsk branch of the Siberian Confederation of Labour (SKT). The purpose of the rally - to express public opinion on the safety at the enterprises of the Russian Federation. At the meeting were invited representatives of the official trade unions from the Federation Omsk Trade Unions (FOS).

But they rejected the proposal, saying they do not want a fuss, and on security and they both work.The rally was held at the monument to victims of political repression. Arriving at the rally could contemplate a rather impressive number of policemen in plain clothes, and stood nearby bus with riot police. At the rally were deployed flags HCT, with an attached black ribbon. Lit candles. After a minute of silence, representatives of HCT, and the main slogan of the rally was "Life is more important than job gains." He said that without serious reform forms of wages can not be achieved the modernization of what President Medvedev.In Russia, the tariff, the fixed part, the wage is less than 50% and this pushes the workers ignore safety precautions. And that is the main cause of deaths and injuries on the enterprises of Russia. At the end of the rally was an appeal.

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