YYA (Ystävyys, Yhteistoiminta ja Avunanto -network) organized 8.9.2014 a demonstration opposing the war in Ukraine. The demonstration opposed Russia's invasion in Ukraine, the war in Ukraine and demanded end to the war crimes.
Out of many human rights violations in the war, the demonstration emphasized the kidnappings of movie director Oleg Sentsov and antifascist Alexander Koltšenko, who were taken to Russia. The demonstrarion didn't support any army or state and opposed every kind of nationalism. About 70 people showed their solidarity by attending the demonstration.
The demonstration walked through Helsinki city centre and ended by the Russian embassy. ”No war in Ukraine, no war anywhere”, ”End the war in Ukraine, free the Crimean prisoners”, ”No to war, no to nationalism” and other slogans were shouted out loud on the way and by the embassy. Most of the bystanders showed their solidarity and support to the demonstrations' antinationalist message.
The ending of the demonstration was powerfull. Last time YYA's demonstration ended by the Russian embassy, the embassy staff was eagerly taking pictures of the demonstration behind the iron fence. This time it was whole another story. Just as Putin was afraid a week ago in Minsk and didn't touch the traditional Russian greeting, bread and salt, so was the embassy standing silent and still beneath the fences, guarded by twenty Finnish police. It seems the whole embassy is living in fear and uncertainty.
YYA wishes to thank all the participants. Specials thanks to Rythms of Resistance Helsinki -drumgroup.
YYA info: https://www.facebook.com/YYAverkosto
Leaflet (in Finnish): https://avtonom.org/fi/news/ei-venajan-hyokkaykselle-ei-ukrainan-oligarkeille
"No war between nations, no peace between classes"
"Thousands have died - how much is enough?"
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