To put pressure on the "black sheep" - "Tikkurilu called on the protesters at the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce

About 30 people held a Sept. 8 rally near the office of the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce in St. Petersburg. The participants expressed their protest against the repressive anti-union policies of the Finnish company Tikkurila. Rally participants affected by the employer's employees "Tikkurily, members of the Interregional Trade Union of Automobile Workers (MPRA), the activists of the Centre of mutual workers (DVR), as well as a number of joint and several political organizations. In the picket was also involved member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vladimir Fedorov.
Speakers at the picket noted that the administration's actions Tikkurila and its leadership in the person of General Director Simo Laytala and personnel director Andrew Tsinchenko are anti-labor and anti-union character.Management "Tikkurily" not only debunked the myth of social responsibility, but also undermines the reputation of the Finnish business in Russia. The representatives of the MPRA said that the solidarity campaign will continue until as long as at least one victim of management "Tikkurily" the employee will continue to fight.
The conflict in "Tikkurile" lasts for several months.During this time, interregional trade union auto industry spent about two dozen pickets and protests in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver and other cities. Leader MPRA Alexei Etmanov several times offered to the general director of Tikkurily "Simo Laytala the negotiating table and resolve the conflict, but every time the administration left on the answer, increasing the pressure on union members. Recently, Mr. Laytala in an interview with the Finnish edition of generally stated that the MPRA is unwilling to engage in dialogue, preferring to public actions.Soon followed MPRA proposal for a meeting has been ignored by the leadership of Tikkurila.
The protesters handed over the leadership of the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce appeal to put pressure on the "black sheep" in the face LLC Tikkurila. By a remarkable coincidence, the leadership of the Chamber the day before stocks took a vacation. Message received Counsel FRTP.

For more Instituteormatsiey contact
MPRA +7901 375 13 15
Igor Ramco - Deputy Chairman of the union Tikkurila "MPRA +7911 246 25 96


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