Solidarity: sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov!

Show solidarity, sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov our friend, member of the movement "Autonomous Action". 14 April 2010 on suspicion of distributing extremist material was detained and interrogated TSU professor Andrei Kutuzov. On the same day in his apartment was searched. Today Andrey Kutuzov was formally charged under Art. 280 of the Penal Code, "Public appeals for extremist activity" for the distribution of leaflets allegedly manufactured and distributed them at a rally on Oct. 30, 2009 in support of closing the centers to combat extremism.

In this case, a lot of strange and controversial circumstances:

• The search produced over six months after the alleged "dissemination";

• Then find "witnesses", of which there is no organizer of the rally (ie, people literally checked and approved leaflets to be distributed at the meeting);

• Formal examination "found" fliers against an independent study conducted at the request of counsel and the rightvozaschitnyh organizations.

Today, under the guise of combating extremism is working to curb civil rights and liberties of socially active, thinking people.

Sign this petition if you agree that the criminal prosecution of Andrei Kutuzov need to stop and conduct an internal investigation in Uzbekistan FSB Tyumen Region and the Centre to combat extremism in the police department of the Tyumen region.

Link to petition and a form to fill it

Links on the subject material:

Witnesses and the public: in Tyumen was the first trial of Andrew Kutuzov

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