Mayor of Moscow banned a concert in support of forest Khimki, scheduled for 17:00 Sunday, 22 August, on Pushkin Square, RIA Novosti reported. A statement by Moscow officials said that at a specified time on Pushkin Square agreed only meeting. Among the alleged participants of the concert - the group "DDT", "TV", "Barto", "Echoes of Mu", Padla Bear Outfit, Alexander F. Sklyar and other musicians. Moscow authorities have promised not to allow the concert on Pushkin Square.The press service of the City Hall explained by the fact that the organizers of the event without the agreement of the administration cinema and concert complex "Russia", situated on the square. The concert, according to the authorities, can prevent the audience in the cinema. Also in the mayor's office noted that the application for an event on Pushkin Square, filed by the organizers (including human rights activist Lev Ponomarev) Does not allow us to authorize the concert. "Simply enroll them served in a different order," - said the Deputy Mayor's press service, Alexander Khokhlov. Show organizers, meanwhile, said Interfax, which did not receive information from City Hall to ban a concert.Note that, since the agreed upon meeting, the organizers of the event in any case have the right to use in Pushkin Square sound system. Khimki began cutting down forest in July 2010 to build through his land highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. This project has aroused protests from environmentalists. In addition, opponents of the approved route highways argue that it is far from optimal and should be adjusted. Source: http://www.lenta.ru/news/2010/08/19/concert/ Note. Independent action is not included among the organizers of the concert, however, any reasonable person can not disturb it banned. Tyranny, who are doing the authorities, referring to the arbitrary rules of law are treated, once again confirms that the July events in Khimki not an accident. This is the inevitable consequence of chaosGOVERNMENTAL actions of Russian authorities.