
Support suspected arsonists against military call-ups, and other Russian anti-war prisoners

На фото: Денис Сердюк (слева) и Илья Фарбер.

30 year old Denis Serdyuk, suspected of an arson attack against amilitary call-up center in Volgograd, is being held in remand prison #1 of his town. He is being charged with ”destruction of property” and ”hooliganism”, and may be sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Crimea: Simferopol held an action of solidarity with political anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners (photo/video)

July 2nd, in Simferopol near the FSB and Crimean prosecutor’s offices activists held pickets as a part of International Days of Solidarity with political anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners. Authorities had not confirmed pickets, and police had been at the venue.

Despite these facts, activists uncovered placards near the FSB office. After 20 minutes of quarrels with the police, activists decided to change their position and met Crimean prosecutor’s office with a single picket.

News on the case of Alexander Kolchenko

On April 9, Lefortovskiy district Moscow court prolonged detention of Alexander Kolchenko for a month, till May, 16. On May 16 a year will pass away since Kolchenko had been arrested in the Simferopol center as a terrorist attack suspect. 22/05/2014 he had been sent to Moscow together with other defendants and had been held in a pretrial detention center "Lefortovo" since then.

Alexander Kolchenko: The “Terrorist” from Simferopol

According to the FSB, Alexander Kolchenko is a member of the anti-Russian underground in Crimea. Along with three other arrested residents of the peninsula, he has been accused of terrorism. The New Times has tried to find out what the charges are based on (it took nearly a year to gather the evidence), how the Russian security services took over Crimea, and what residents of Simferopol think about the relatives of the arrestees.

Graffiti campaign in the Crimea memory Stas Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

граффити в Крым

"And we are well aware that besides ourselves, we have no one else ever did not give this protection. Neither God nor king, nor the law. Nobody. Only we do. And then when we put each other's shoulder, when we able to protect each other - only then will we break through. I hope that it will be. Otherwise, we all gathered here in vain. " (Stanislav Markelov)

In Simferopol, the students held a march against "legal corruption in higher education"

October 4 in Simferopol, a march of students Tauride National University, for the abolition of the Cabinet of Ministers № 796 "On approving the list of paid services that may be provided by state and municipal educational institutions", adopted in late August. This decision is expected introduction of fees for absences for valid reason, for the use of library books, for laboratory work and t.d.Odnako this decision contradicts the article.

In Simferopol, the students held a march against "legal corruption in higher education"

On Monday, Oct. 4, students will march in Simferopol for the abolition of the Cabinet of Ministers № 796 "On approving the list of paid services that may be provided by state and municipal educational institutions".

In Ukraine, in peacetime military deaths

At the time of firing on ground targets, which were held on Friday, 17 September, on the Crimean ground "Opuk" exploded two artillery shells. The explosion occurred on board the amphibious assault ship "Kirovograd" Ukrainian Navy.

As a result of the accident were seriously injured four members of the crew "Kirovohrad", they are taken to military hospitals in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

In Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office confirmed the explosion at the landing craft.

Demonstration of hip-hop "Take Back the street youth" took place in Simferopol

Лого Антифашисткого действия - Крым

August 29, at Lenin Square in Simferopol rally-concert against a curfew in the city. The event is to attract public attention to the illegal decision of the Simferopol city council to restrict freedom of movement of underage citizens.

Organizers (Antifashistkoe action "and" The Marxists ") have sought not merely to challenge the unlawful decision of city authorities, and to challenge discriminatory attitudes towards young people, current perceptions ofsociety.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

9 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

10 months ago