Анархическое движение

Анархисты — это люди, готовые на восстание против несправедливости и угнетения прямо здесь и сейчас. Да, здесь и сейчас, немедленно. Власть, государство, капитал, авторитет, репрессия — все это поджидает нас на каждом шагу (в офисе, дома, в метро, на улице), далеко ходить не надо. Но кто способен атаковать противника незамедлительно, спонтанно, решительно, не сходя с места? Только настоящие анархисты.
Анархисты — сторонники безотлагательного восстания. Они не верят в телеологическое время социалистов, но пребывают в абсолютном настоящем прямой индивидуальной атаки, не опосредованной никакой догмой или дисциплинарной организацией.
Политическая, этическая, социальная и философская задача заключается сейчас в том, чтобы освободить индивидуума от государства и типов индивидуации, которые государство продуцирует и навязывает человеку. Освободить индивидуума от ложных политик фиксированной идентичности (по полу, по профессии, по национальности, по менталитету), от прозябания в тени государственных институций и их идеологий. Анархисты — это те люди в современном обществе, кто всем своим сознанием и своей деятельностью принадлежат этому освобождению и участвуют в борьбе за него на своих местах.

Statement by the anarcho-communists in South Africa over the "World Cup" soccer

This statement was posted yesterday on the website of the South African Anarchist Communist Federation Zabalata "(ZACF). It is not difficult to see that much is happening in South Africa, recalls the preparations for the Sochi-2014. Capitalism, as the saying goes, he and capitalism in Africa.

Andrey Mergenyov paroled

Recently we learned, that imprisoned anti-fascist Andrey Mergenyov was paroled. He was in prison since june 2007 after a fight with a Nazi in Saratov. Our congratulations for Andrey, but remember that there are still other prisoners in need of our support. 


For the occasion, please also change address of Aleksey Bychin, doing 5 years for a fight with Nazi who is also a police officer, in your prisoner lists as he has been moved to another subsection in the prison colony - letters sent to previous address will reach him as well, but with a substantial delay:

Actions vs. repressions

Short film Actions vs. repressions gives a voice to Russian anti-authoritarian activists from Autonomous Action of St. Petersburg and Ufa, Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow and St. Petersburg and Vsevolod Ostapov, who got brutalised by Police in April of 2007 and whose case became a rallying cry for a significiant campaign against police brutality in Moscow during last two years.

Anarchists and the Second Chechen War

Situation in Northern Caucasus and Libertarian reaction






This article was originally published in Avtonom #30 in the Autumn of 2008. whole issue is available in PDF format  here. It was translated for Abolishing the Borders from Below #35 in Autumn of 2009  with a number of mistakes  corrected and some information updated..

It is of little doubt that the total failure of any attempts to oppose the Second Chechen War was the most bitter defeat of the Russian anarchist movement during the past decade. A feeling of total powerlesness in front of the brutal realities of the Chechenyan meat-grinder was pressing so heavily on the imagination of anti-authoritarians during the first half of the decade, that the movement was onlyable to recovere slightly when the intensity of the war gradually calmed down. 

The outrage of the police in Petrozavodsk, Russia. Please distribute widely!

It is an open secret that the newly created centers for counteraction of extremism in Russia often become the tool of repression and work against civil liberties and initiatives. Doing their work the "fighters against extremism" don't despise to break the law brutally. In Petrozavodsk 3 young people became the victims of the police outrage. They were being pressed and tortured and now the case is being fabricated.

Sentence of Yuri Mishutkin overturned – funds are needed for the new court

Оправдать Юрия Мишуткина

15th of December of 2009 regional court of Primorsky overturned sentence of anarchist anti-fascist Yuri Mishutkin, who was 12th of October given a one-year probational sentence according to statute 108 part 1 of the Russian criminal codex (manslaughter due to exceeding necessary limits of self-defence).

Invitation to the “Libertarian communism 2010” forum in Moscow from the 6th to the 8th of March 2010

From time to time, we should meet to discuss perspectives of our movement in the framework of global capitalism, evaluate successes and failures of our fight and plan new struggles. For this purpose, we invite you to the “Libertarian communism 2010” forum to be organised in Moscow.

No to repressions against anarchists in Izhevsk!

In Izhevsk, officers of Centre of Counteraction Against Extremism (CPE, new Russian political police, formed in January of 2009) are falsifying a case against members of Autonomous Action. According to Galina Shutova, who is yet a witness in the case, state wants to make her a terrorist: “Officer of CPE Artyom Ahmetzyanov said to me directly, that he wants to do anything to lock me down”.

Great news from Vladivostok - a probational sentence for Yura M.!

12th of October sentencing of Yura M., anarchist who killed a local Nazi in self-defence 22nd of November 2008. This was third time Yura got attacked by Nazis, he was jumped in April of 2006 15 to 5 and was hospitalized with a brain damage. He also suffered seriously in attack against Ecological protest camp in Angarsk 21st of July 2007, after attack he spent days in coma, two months in hospital and it took a whole year for him to recover. His friend Ilya Borodaenko was not that lucky, and he died as a result of the attack.

Другая альтернатива есть. Сопротивляйтесь власти транснациональных неправительственных организаций!

В декабре 1997 года французская левая газета "Le monde diplomatique" опубликовала передовицу о "налоге Тобина" - налоге на международные финансовые операции. С этого момента началась дискуссия, которая и привела к созданию организации ATTAС (Action pour une Taxe Tobin d'Aide aux Citoyens) в июне следующего года. Сегодня отделения ATTAС присутствуют в десятках стран, но лучше всего ATTAC обосновался во Франции: здесь насчитывается более тридцати тысяч членов и 220 региональных отделений.


"Налог Тобина"

Author columns

Short presentation of the Tyumen case, from a benefit event Helsinki 6th of October 2023
Антти Раутиайнен

Short presentation of the Tyumen case, from a benefit event in Helsinki 6th of October 2023. In Spotify Support the fundraising drive of Firefund for the for the lawyers of the defendants in the "Tyumen case". Families and relatives will have to pay for the participation of lawyers in these...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist anti-war action and the growing nationalism in Russia Interview with Portuguese Mapa - Jornal de Informação Critica -paper, published in issue 35. Interview by Pedro Morais. Listen this blog in SoundCloud Listen this blog in Spotify After the start of war in Ukraine we have seen...

1 year ago