Анархическое движение

Анархисты — это люди, готовые на восстание против несправедливости и угнетения прямо здесь и сейчас. Да, здесь и сейчас, немедленно. Власть, государство, капитал, авторитет, репрессия — все это поджидает нас на каждом шагу (в офисе, дома, в метро, на улице), далеко ходить не надо. Но кто способен атаковать противника незамедлительно, спонтанно, решительно, не сходя с места? Только настоящие анархисты.
Анархисты — сторонники безотлагательного восстания. Они не верят в телеологическое время социалистов, но пребывают в абсолютном настоящем прямой индивидуальной атаки, не опосредованной никакой догмой или дисциплинарной организацией.
Политическая, этическая, социальная и философская задача заключается сейчас в том, чтобы освободить индивидуума от государства и типов индивидуации, которые государство продуцирует и навязывает человеку. Освободить индивидуума от ложных политик фиксированной идентичности (по полу, по профессии, по национальности, по менталитету), от прозябания в тени государственных институций и их идеологий. Анархисты — это те люди в современном обществе, кто всем своим сознанием и своей деятельностью принадлежат этому освобождению и участвуют в борьбе за него на своих местах.

Oleg need help

Currently ABC-Moscow collects money for treatment activists from Izhevsk Oleg S. Six years ago, in February 2004, at the picket against the war in Chechnya was attacked Nazi skinheads. With cries of "Sieg Heil!" and "White power!" They surrounded a group of protesters and violently, with the use of reinforcement, beat two - Oleg S. and Alexander Z. Oleg received a serious head injury and three months in hospital. But after treating the condition Oleg has not stabilized.

The difference between the revolutionary classes in Marxist and anarchist theory

Disputes between the different tendencies of the spectrum at the ultra-revolutionary class probably as old as all of these trends. In their moments of revolutionary upsurge of the dispute dies down, during a recession - erupted. But it never stops. I'll try to figure out how to understand the anarchists and the Marxists, the concept of a revolutionary class. I will not criticize any of the parties, just give my opinion.

All people are equal, there is no the one, who is "more equal", than others! - Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Jock Palfreeman

Today, on 20th of October near the Embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow was organized a picket in support of Jock Palfreeman. In the picket anarchists, antifascists, leftists and members of Autonomous-Action Moscow took part.

FRENCH not surrender

France continues to mobilize against the pension reform. October 12, demonstrations left more than three and a half million people. In many industries and many companies declared a strike. September 13, many companies continue to strike. The country has virtually paralyzed rail (railroad strike), also have problems with the fuel at gas stations (oil refinery workers on strike).

The site of the strike movement:

French police used against students tear gas

In France, the continuing protests grew into open street clashes with police. Regular skirmishes youth with the French police began today in Nanterre, northwestern Paris suburb. Students will continue to oppose the reform, which includes raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years.

12 to 15 of November 2010: The new Days of Action for the final and unconditional liberation of the Khimki hostages: Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 27th and 28th of September new court sessions were held where the question of freeing Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, arrested on the 28th of July 2010, was dealt with. Shutting their eyes to the lack of evidence, turning their backs on public and international support for the detainees, described as “pressure on the court” by the prosecution, the Khimki judges prolonged the detention of the two social activists for two more months.

Moscow region court has canceled to decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 15th of October the Moscow region court canceled the decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and sent the case to the Khimki city court to be re-examined by the 27th of October. Aleksei will remain in prison during this delay.

On the 8th of October the Moscow region court made a similar decision in relation to the second remand term in the Maxim Solopov case. His case will be re-examined by the Khimki city court tomorrow, the 18th of October. He remains in prison.

October 14-20. Days of common solidarity actions near Belarusian Embassies

Since the beginning of September 2010 the social activists in Belarus face with unprecedented pressure. After the attempt of the arson at the Russian Embassy on the night of August 31, 2010 and the start of the presidential campaign, around hundred of social activists from different cities (Grodno, Brest, Gomiel, Minsk and Soligorsk) have passed through ‘talks’, interrogations at the KGB, house-raids and arrests, some of them are still detained. T

Write letters of support to Khimki hostages!

Goal of repressions is to isolate its targets from the remaining movement.  Thus it is very important to support contact with arrested comrades - even if you did not knew them personally, letters may raise spirits in difficult times of  imprisonement.


You may write letters of support for Alexey and Maxim through e-mail address helphimki <a> gmail <dot> com, or P.O. Box of Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow - P.O. Box 13, 109028 Moscow Russia.

October 14-20. Days of common actions to support arrested Belorussian anarchists

We, anarchists of Belarus and Russia, call to all honest people all over the world for actions of boycott and protest against embassies of Belarus Republic and every other institution related to the Belarusian government! Total mobilization for solidary actions is necessary, because our comrades still remain in chains of Lukashenko fascist regime. Their names: Mikalaj Dziadok and Aliaksandar Frantskievich.

The anarchists took over the embassy of Belarus in Saint Petersburg

солидарность с белорусскими анархистами

Today, 29 September 2010, at noon, a group of activists of the anarchist movement came to St. Petersburg in the Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus (str Bonch-Bruevich 3A) to demand the release of Belarusian colleagues who were arrested last month. After the announcement of their demands, the activists refused to leave the embassy and announced his occupation - up until their demands are not met.

Ufa. No political repression! Freedom Lesha and Max!

Despite all the obstacles from the authorities managed to hold a demonstration, as the most requested form of protest. The organization of the autonomous action of Ufa and anti-fascists Ufa ourselves out a protest march against repression by the state. Of Ufa friends came to support the activists from BP Izhevsk. A solidarity action was timed to coincide with International Day of united action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova.

14-16 October 2010 - The Days Of International Actions of Solidarity with Belorussian political prisoners!

We, anarchists of Moscow, call to all honest people all over the world for actions of boycott and protest against embassies of Belarus Republic and every other institution related to the Belarussian government! Total mobilisation for solidary actions is nesessary, because our comrades still remain in chains of Lukashenko fascist regime. Their names: Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Tatsiana Sieminishchava, Uladzimier Valodzin and Alexandar Bugaev. We have every reason to believe, that ruling hangmen try to vent their anger and cruelty on these people.

France: demonstration against xenophobia

4 September in France have been demonstrations against xenophobia. Activities were successful - a lot of people came to express their protest against the racist government policies and the strengthening of police control. Of course, the demonstration itself will change little, but serious mobilization gives us confidence in future successes in the fight against xenophobia, both the State and against the future of reforms in the social sphere.

Social activists were kidnapped by cops in Minsk, Belarus

Today (3-rd of September 2010) at morning our friends and comrades were kidnapped by police. Six people are missing. We manage to get know about their kidnapping only several hours later from their neighbors which said that unknown people in police uniform took away everybody situating the apartment. Fate of these people is still unknown this moment. Nobody responds to cell telephone calls. Any attempts to get know something about their location in Minsk police departments give no result, cause cops deny any involvement in this event.

The bourgeois character of the Bolshevik Party and Marxism

The bourgeois parties, their structure reproduce the capitalist class society, ie on one side are professional politicians (top of the Party), on drugoypartiyny basis (ordinary members) consisting of employees. At the time when the labor movement took over the party form of political struggle, it took over as the political form of class rule and has played this social form, ie therefore support of the bourgeois class society.

The Russian Embassy in Minsk attacked by anarchists

Responsibility for the recent attack on the Russian embassy, caused a stir in the press, claimed a group of Belarusian anarchists. We quote the statement posted on the website of Indymedia: In the evening on August 30 a group of anarchists was conducted attack with Molotov cocktails at Russian embassy in Minsk. Was damaged one of the official cars. By this action, we express our anger and protest against the arrests and repression against social activists, who defended forests Khimki Moscow.

In the Independent Press Center held a press conference campaign in defense of "Khimki hostages"

August 30 at the Independent Press Center on Prechistenka held in Moscow , dedicated to large-scale persecution, which organized the law enforcement authorities in connection with the of protest on July 28 before the administration of the city of Khimki.

Author columns

Short presentation of the Tyumen case, from a benefit event Helsinki 6th of October 2023
Антти Раутиайнен

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