
Flying for freedom of movement and against state control at russian embassy in Hamburg

It was not surprising after the recent homophobe and xenophobic changes of laws in russia that now in the context of election campaign in moscow the issue of migration was put in a very simple and racist direction by deciding to seperate and concentrate masses of illegalised people in camps.

Support Irina Lipskaya, imprisoned anarchist and anti-fascist from Moscow

Irina Lipskaya

27th of June 2013, arrest of Irina was prolonged until 2nd of October. She was arrested 2nd of July 2012, so now Irina has already spent more than one year in prison without a court! Arrest of Irina was prolonged due to dubious claims of her alleged "victims" that they still have not acquintanced themselves with the results of the investigation. 

We ask for solidarity actions with social centre "Gromada" in Cracow

Squat "Gromada" was created in the centre of Cracow, near the main railway station, in the district, which is particularly attractive for developers.  For many years the building was empty, so it's condition is getting worse and worse. On the 12th of July group of activists in Cracow announced the official opening of the socio-cultural centre in this building. The event was accompanied with the Cracow Rhythms of Resistance. Activists organized a picnic for neighbours.

Solidarity action with Alexey Gaskarov in Helsinki

In the end of the international solidarity week for Alexey Gaskarov and prisoners of 6th of May, a group of supporters in Helsinki locked the car entrance of Russian embassy in Helsinki - as long as our comrades are in captivity, the cars of Russian diplomats should stay in captivity as well.

Support Dmitri Zvanko, anti-fascist prisoner from Brest

Dmitri Zvanko  – is anti-fascist from Brest. He was arrested 9th of May 2013, as one of 5 anti-fascists who were suspected of a fight with far-right activists the day before. Arrested anti-fascists were beaten up and put under psychological pressure, Dmitri failed a complaint on his treatment although he was pressured not to do so. 19th of May four of the arrested were released, but Dmitri was charged with statute 339.3 of the Belarusian criminal codex (malicious hooliganism with a group of people), which carries a prison sentence from 3 to 10 years.

Anti-fascist Alexey Olesinov released pending trial in Moscow

7th of June, anti-fascist Alexey "Shkobar" Olesinov was released pending trial. Moscow city court made a decision on appeal against arrest, filled by Olesinov's lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina. Court released Olesinov, as most serious charges against him (Causing grievous bodily harm, statute 111 of the Russian criminal codex) were dropped in late May. 

Solidarity is needed - please help to get Alexey Sutuga out from prison on bail!

Member of Autonomous Action, anarchist Alexey Sutuga has been remanded for more than a year. Police has intentionally delayed the investigation, they were only working on the case for the first 2-3 months of the arrest, and since then investigation has stalled. Formally Alexey is accused according to statute "hooliganism" of Russian criminal codex, for having taken part to a fight during an anti-fascist concert.

Letter of anarchist Alexey Sutuga from prison to comrades in struggle

It is late, but I still want to congratulate all the comrades and friends with May Day and the Day of Liberation of the world from the Nazi threat in the memorable days of 1945. The symbolism of the holidays for me is still an important part of those ideas that I live for, although already the second year in a row I am unable to take part in their celebrations. But even in prison, they are life-affirming, as most of the people who surround me here could stand with me in the same column in freedom, shoulder to shoulder.

Well-known Russian anti-fascist, Alexey Gaskarov, arrested

On sunday, the 28th of April 2013, a well-known Russian anti-fascist, Alexey Gaskarov, was arrested in Moscow. He is a member of the Coordination Council of Russian opposition. The investigation committee of the Russian Federation has accused him of having pacticipated in riots and violence against representative of authorities on the 6th of May 2012, when OMON (Russian riot police) attacked a peaceful demonstration.

Disturbances lecture series: Anti-authoritarian political prisoners

In Helsinki 12th of May, Kupoli of Uusi Ylioppilastalo (Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor). Food served 3 PM, lecture starts at 4 PM.

Some have paid dearly for fighting against capitalism, racists or environmental destruction. Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki will tell about situation of anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners across the world. During the event, support mail is also written to prisoners.

In facebook:

Anarchist activist seriously wounded in a Nazi attack in Kiev of Ukraine

In the evening of 14th of April, social activist V.N. was seriously wounded in Kiev. He was assaulted by 5 Nazis in the area of metro station Dorozhichi. Young patriots used knives and cutted three times arteries in the legs of the activist. V.N. also lost teeth and suffered a brain concussion.

If it was not purpose of attackers to murder, at least they attempted to permanently main activist who takes active part to anti-government, anti-capitalist and animal right actions. V-N. lost much blood, but due to an operation made in time, his life is no more in a danger.

Write to Finnish anarchist total objector

Anarchist total objector Topi Lauko began his prison sentence 18th of
December in a low-security prison. He was transferred to a half-way house, maintained by Siltavalmennus NGO, in second half of February. Although in half-way house the conditions of detention are not harsh, he would still be happy to correspond with comrades around the world. He will be finally released 24th of April 2013.

Topi Louko
Vehnämyllynkatu 4
33560 Tampere Finland

Solidarity with Egyptian women

Anarcha-feminists came today, 12 february 2013 to the embassy of Egypt in Moscow to express solidarity with victims of sexual assault-violence, that happened all through Egypt during revolution, and even after reovolution, when Brothers Muslims are in power.

We don’t have illusions about Egyptian government and we don’t ask it to protect demonstrators, who are actually protesting against system.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

8 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

8 months ago