
Praha: May Day – internationally against militarism

Situation in our country starts to resemble the era of Cold war. US army organizes a military parade across east Europe, mainstream media hails propaganda of USA, high-ranking politician would gladly accept permanent presence of soldiers of United States. The similar slogans, that were used to celebrate USSR, now celebrate USA. The similar catchwords, that were used to defame US imperialism, defame now Russia. This is all because we are forced to accept alleged need of strengthening our army to defend against Russian threat.

The End of Antifa?

Despite the bleakness of the situation in Ukraine, at least I was amused by the fact that Nazis were fighting on both sides of the front, killing each other.

But then I found out that some "anti-fascists" have been doing the same 1) 2) 3).

I am sure that in terms of the entire former Soviet Union only a minority of the Antifas is willing to die for Poroshenko or Putin. However, the scale of this problem is significant, and any attempts to react to it 4) also have their shortcomings 5).

Moscow Autonomous Action on the Ukrainian war

This text was written as an answer to our foreign friends' questions about situation in the Eastern Ukraine and Russian anarchists' attitude towards that. We hope it will be of use to everybody interested in these matters.

The situation is complex and controversial and you should understand that the text below does not (and can't) reflect the opinion of all Russian anti-fascists and anti-capitalists. We discussed this within our group, but even here we have a couple of contradicting points of view.

Russian troops out of Ukraine! Demonstration in Helsinki 8th of September

Stop the war and human rights violations!

Meeting on September 8 at the Kolme Seppää -statue at 6.00 PM from where we will walk to Russian embassy at Tehtaankatu.

During July and August, more and more proof has emerged about the Russian involvement in the war in Ukraine, and on the 24th of August Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border and and began the offensive towards Mariupol. More than 2000 people have already died in the war, and the Russian assault worsens things.

Statement of the Kharkiv Autonomous Workers Union members about creation of social and cultural center

Revolutional greeting to all solidary comrades of the world!

We are the workers of Ukraine and active members of the most massive and radical protests of the last decades continuing development of avtonomous class movement.

The antigovernmental uprising that begun last autumn outgrown into destructible massacre for the working class. Naturally, upper classes of Russia and Ukraine easilly imposed values of patriotism and interethnic hatred to the working masses.

War against war! Statement of leftists and anarchists on the confrontation in Ukraine

In the ongoing conflict, we support neither Ukrainian government nor pro-Russian factions that established their authority on the portion of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. The working class (i.e. everyone who has neither power nor capital) is equally alien both to the concept of ​​unitary Ukraine and to the ideas of ​​”federalization” or creation of new states — these are merely the games of politicians, drawing blood from ordinary people.

Anarchism in the context of civil war

On Friday, the 2nd of May, the House of Trade Unions in Odessa caught on fire. Altogether at least 42 people lost their lives during the clashes in the city, most of them in the fire and the others in streetfights. There is an excellent Russian language, eyewitness account of the events available here.

Anarchists from Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.

Anarchists, organizers of demonstration "Against the war in Ukraine" in Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.


On 9th of March, along with the traditional Food Not Bombs action, demonstration "Against the war in Ukraine" supposed to happen in Petrozavodsk, for a peaceful solution of tense situation there and prevention of bloodshed continuation.


Write to Finnish anarchist total objector

Anarchist total objector Topi Lauko began his prison sentence 18th of
December in a low-security prison. He was transferred to a half-way house, maintained by Siltavalmennus NGO, in second half of February. Although in half-way house the conditions of detention are not harsh, he would still be happy to correspond with comrades around the world. He will be finally released 24th of April 2013.

Topi Louko
Vehnämyllynkatu 4
33560 Tampere Finland

The festival program against forced conscription "deserter Day-2011"

program "Day of the deserter, 2011. February 19 12:00 - 13:00 Registration of participants. 13:00 Opening 13:15 - 15:45, "Why did I have served / not served in the Army." Seminar-diskussiya.Forma conduct. Those who wish to sit in a circle and share their impressions about how they "mowed" or "mowed down" from military service. Speak first comrades who have served in the armed forces. 15:50 - 17:00 Luncheon hosted by NWF activists.

In Ukraine, in peacetime military deaths

At the time of firing on ground targets, which were held on Friday, 17 September, on the Crimean ground "Opuk" exploded two artillery shells. The explosion occurred on board the amphibious assault ship "Kirovograd" Ukrainian Navy.

As a result of the accident were seriously injured four members of the crew "Kirovohrad", they are taken to military hospitals in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

In Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office confirmed the explosion at the landing craft.

Defense intends to tighten the procedure of recruitment

The Ministry of Defence is preparing another large-scale reform in the system of recruitment of the army. Amendments will be developed as early as September 1.
For example, plans to increase the enlistment age to 30 years and reduce the number of universities, providing a respite for the students.

Prison - a badge of honor!

Lance Corporal Joe Glenton , got charged for refusing to return to Afghanistan, delivered a speech at a rally in honor of his release: "I think it's a badge of honor - to receive a prison sentence. I came to the conclusion that the real enemy - not the guy ahead of you, who is facing the rifle in your hands, and the man in the opposite side in the rear, the one who tells you to pull the trigger. "

Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, which opposes the war in Afghanistan, released!

The soldier, who was jailed after refusing to return to Afghanistan on the grounds that he opposed the war, was released from military prison in Colchester Monday, July 12, 2010.
Lance Corporal Joe Glenton was jailed for nine months from March 2010 after he admitted that he had been 2 years and 6 days AWOL.

For that to die in peacetime? In Moscow Picket against appeal

Today, from 16:00 to 17:30 at the main military prosecutor's office anarchists and anti-militarist picket was organized against the draft. The picket was a reaction to the death of Omsk draftee Roman Suslov, who on May 22 was found hanged in a toilet train Moscow-Vladivostok.

"Declare war to the war!" - Antiwar picket in Moscow

They don't want to talk about Afghanistan. In Russia people try to forget about events, that happened between 1979-1989, to forget how much people was killed and how much of them became disabled, how much soldiers blindly fought for the "great nothing" and how much of them had no choice. We recall those memories. In Afghanistan there are still military operations, but now due to NATO's forces. It's called as "control over sore points of Near East".

Anarchists and the Second Chechen War

Situation in Northern Caucasus and Libertarian reaction






This article was originally published in Avtonom #30 in the Autumn of 2008. whole issue is available in PDF format  here. It was translated for Abolishing the Borders from Below #35 in Autumn of 2009  with a number of mistakes  corrected and some information updated..

It is of little doubt that the total failure of any attempts to oppose the Second Chechen War was the most bitter defeat of the Russian anarchist movement during the past decade. A feeling of total powerlesness in front of the brutal realities of the Chechenyan meat-grinder was pressing so heavily on the imagination of anti-authoritarians during the first half of the decade, that the movement was onlyable to recovere slightly when the intensity of the war gradually calmed down. 

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

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Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

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